Bedienungsanleitung A-QUIP A WLAN SET

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[. . . ] A/WLAN-SET 54 Mbps-Broadband-Router + USB 2. 0 Wireless LANAdapter Kapitel 1 Einführung Herzlichen Dank, dass Sie sich für das a-Quip A/WLAN-SET Breitband Router Starterkit entschieden haben. Das kabellose Breitband-Routerset ist ein kostengünstiger IP-Mehrwegrouter, der mehreren Benutzern den gemeinsamen Zugang zum Internet über ein ADSL- oder Kabelmodem ermöglicht. Geben Sie einfach Ihre Internetverbindungseinstellungen in den kabellosen Breitband-Router ein, stecken Sie Ihren PC an den LAN-Zugang an und schon können Sie Dateien austauschen und auf das Internet zugreifen. Wenn Ihr Netzwerk wächst, können Sie weitere Netzknoten oder Weichen an die LAN-Zugänge des Routers anschließen und so Ihr Netzwerk einfach erweitern. [. . . ] If you are not very clear on how to fill in the MAC address of the WAN, we suggest to better use this specific function. 39/89 3. 5. 4 DNS · · Select "Enable" - the setting of this DNS will take effect. DNS Address: To add the DNS IP address provided by your ISP Standby DNS server: Options: If your ISP gives you two DNS server you can fill in the IP address of the other DNS. 3. 6 Wireless Setting 3. 6. 1 Basic Setting This menu item lets you configure the basic wireless network parameters. 40/89 · · · · · Enable wireless: You can select to enable this wireless router to access wired networks. SSID: The Service Set Identifier in the wireless LAN. Only the user who passes identity validity can access the wireless network. Wireless Network Protocol: automatic type, 802. 11b (11 Mbps) type, 802. 11g (54 Mbps and compatible to 11M) type, Super G (108M compatible to 11 Mbps). Channel: The channel used by the wireless LAN, the scope is from 1 to 11. Turnoff SSID Broadcast: If you Select Turnoff SSID, the router will not broadcast it's SSID code. If there is a wireless link requirement please fill in the SSID manually. 41/89 3. 6. 2 Wireless Security Configuration · · · · · · · · · · · · Security Options: There are several different encryption types: Disable, WEP, WPA-PSK and WPA2 WEP Setting: if you select WEP, the WEP setting will take effective. Authentication: You can select "Open System" which allows any access or Communion Key based on the WEP encryption mechanism. Key Format: ASCII Characters or Hexadecimal Digits. If you select 64 bit please enter 10 Hexadecimal Digits or 5 ASCII Characters. You only can select one effective key but you can save 4 keys. Please enter key here and pay attention to the size and effective scope. When you select WPA-PSK, the WPA encryption setting will take effective. You can select AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol). Please enter key here and pay attention to the size and Effective scope. Please make a period of validity for your key. 3. 6. 3 Wireless Status You can check the wireless AP around including the MAC address, Encryption Type and authentication. 42/89 3. 7 DHCP Server 3. 7. 1 DHCP Server Configuration · · · · DHCP Server: If you select "Enable" the DHCP function will be activated. IP Pool Starting Address: The starting IP address is automatically assigned by DHCP server. IP Pool Ending Address: The ending IP address is automatically assigned by DHCP server. Lease Time: Please set the lease time for the IP address assigned by DHCP. Note: Before using the DHCP function, make sure that all TCP/IP settings have been set up as automatically obtain IP address. 3. 7. 2 DHCP Client List The DHCP Client List can bundle the relevant MAC. Namely, the DHCP Client List assigns relevant IP addresses for appointed MAC address. 43/89 · · IP Address: Please enter the IP address of corresponding LAN. [. . . ] Port : le port du routeur, affecté à la gestion à distance par l'intermédiaire du Web. Note 1. Le port de gestion à distance par défaut du routeur est 80. : 8080), pour connecter le routeur pour une gestion à distance par le Web, il convient que vous saisissiez URL comme port IP (par ex. L'IP par défaut de l'ordinateur, qui assure la gestion à distance par le Web est 0. 0. 0. 0, ce qui signifie qu'aucun ordinateur ne peut ouvrir de session pour gérer le routeur à distance. [. . . ]


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