Bedienungsanleitung ACER P224W

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Mode d'emploi ACER P224W

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   ACER P224W (1906 ko)

Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung ACER P224W

Detaillierte Anleitungen zur Benutzung finden Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung.

[. . . ] µ 0, 01% , pixel pixel µ µ . · LCD, µ µ µ , . , µ µ . µ µ µ µ µ µ: · µ µ. · µ µ µ. / µ µ LCD: · µ µ AC. · LCD . iv · µ , µ . µ µ. µ, µ. , . · µ, µ µ. · · · · µ µ , µ µ . [. . . ] µ . · · · µ µ 15 . µ µ µ . µ µ µ . µ µµ µ µ . µ , µ, , , µ µ µµ. µ µ , , µ . µµ , , , µ, : · · · · · µµ µ µ µ , µ , µ µ µ µ ix µµ µ / µ , µ µ µ µµ . µ . µ µ µ µ, µ µ µ µ . µ: · · · µ µ µ µ µ µ / µ , , , µ µ µ, µ , µ µµ µ µ µ µ µ . · µ . · · µ µµ µ µµ µ µ µ. µ µ . · . · · · µ µ . µ / µ µ . : · · · · · · µ µ µµ µ µ µ µ , µ µ µ µ µ µ , µ µ µ x · · µ µ . µµ , , µ . : · µµ µ µµ µ . · · · µ . µ. Declaration of Conformity We, Acer Computer (Shanghai) Limited 3F, No. 168 Xizang medium road, Huangpu District, Shanghai, China Contact Person: Mr. Easy Lai Tel: 886-2-8691-3089 Fax: 886-2-8691-3000 E-mail: easy_lai@acer. com. tw Hereby declare that: Product: LCD Monitor Trade Name: Acer Model Number: P224W SKU Number: P224Wxxx ("x" = 0~9, a ~ z, or A ~ Z) or blank Is compliant with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of the following EC directives, and that all the necessary steps have been taken and are in force to assure that production units of the same product will continue comply with the requirements. EMC Directive 2004/108/EC as attested by conformity with the following harmonized standards: · EN55022:2006, AS/NZS CISPR22:2006, Class B · EN55024:1998 + A1:2001 + A2:2003 · EN61000-3-2:2000 +A2:2005, Class D · EN61000-3-3:1995 + A1:2001 Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC as attested by conformity with the following harmonized standard: · EN60950-1:2001 + A11:2004 RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC on the Restriction of the Use of certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment. Easy Lai / Director Acer Computer (Shanghai) Limited xi Federal Communications Commission Declaration of Conformity This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. The following local manufacturer/importer is responsible for this declaration: Product name: Model number: SKU number: Name of responsible party: Address of responsible party: LCD Monitor P224W ("x" = 0 - 9, a - z, or A - Z or blank) P224Wxxx ("x" = 0 - 9, a - z, or A - Z or blank) Acer America Corporation 333 West San Carlos St. San Jose, CA 95110 USA Acer Representative 1-254-298-4000 1-254-298-4147 Contact person: Tel: Fax: xii iii iii µ LCD iii µ µ iii / iii iv iv iv µ v vi vi µ vii vii (pixel) LCD vii µ viii Declaration of Conformity x Federal Communications Commission Declaration of Conformity xi 1 ( µ µ) 2 ( µ µ) 3 µ 4 4 µ 4 ( µ µ) 5 Display Data Channel (DDC) 5 5 µ µ 15 5 µ µ 24 6 µ µ 19 * 7 µ µ Acer eColor Management µ µ OSD µ µ OSD µ 8 9 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 14 15 16 µ µ µ µ VGA DVI/HDMI* 17 17 18 1 µ µ µ µ . LCD D-Sub DVI (µ µ µ) AC 2 ( µ µ) µ: . µ µ , µ µ . 2 1 1 2 µ . [. . . ] µ / µ µ µ. µ µ µ µ , , µ µ, µ µ µ µ . 14 µ OSD 1 2 OSD. µ µ µ. 15 µ 1 2 3 OSD. µ µ µ µ µ µ µ. 16 1 2 OSD. µ LCD . 17 µ µ LCD , µ µ µ µ µ µ. VGA µ LED OSD, µ µ µ µ. [. . . ]


DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter…
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