Bedienungsanleitung AEG-ELECTROLUX 88101KF-N85F

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Mode d'emploi AEG-ELECTROLUX 88101KF-N85F

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Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung AEG-ELECTROLUX 88101KF-N85F

Detaillierte Anleitungen zur Benutzung finden Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung.

[. . . ] 88101KF-N Induktions-Glaskeramik-Kochfeld Ceramic glass induction hob Table de cuisson vetrocramique induction Montage- und Gebrauchsanweisung Installation and Operating Instructions Instructions de montage et mode d'emploi Sehr geehrte Kundin, sehr geehrter Kunde, lesen Sie bitte diese Gebrauchsanweisung sorgfltig durch und bewahren Sie sie zum spteren Nachschlagen auf. Geben Sie diese Gebrauchsanweisung an eventuelle Nachbesitzer des Gertes weiter. 1 3 2 Folgende Symbole werden im Text verwendet: Sicherheitshinweise Warnung!Hinweise, die Ihrer persnlichen Sicherheit dienen. Hinweise, die zur Vermeidung von Schden am Gert dienen. [. . . ] Control panel field Display TIMER Select cooking Pilot light of the cooking zone selectzone ed flashes faster The time remaining is displayed After a few seconds the pilot light flashes more slowly. Switching off the acoustic signal Step 1. Control panel field Touch TIMER Acoustic signal Acoustic signal to acknowledge. Acoustic signal stops. 42 Safety cut-out Cooking surface If after switching on the cooking surface, a heat setting is not set for a cooking zone within approx. 10 seconds, the cooking surface automatically switches itself off. If one or more sensor fields are covered for longer than approx. by a pan placed upon it, a signal sounds and the cooking surface switches off automatically. If all cooking zones are switched off, the cooking surface automatically switches itself off after approx. 10 seconds. 3 Control panel Moisture (e. g. a wet cloth) or liquid boiling over onto the control panel immediately switches all cooking zones off. Induction cooking zones In the event of overheating (e. g. when a pan boils dry) the cooking zone automatically switches itself off. Before being used again, the cooking zone must be set to 0 and allowed to cool down. If cookware that is not suitable is used, f flashes in the display and after 10 minutes the display for the cooking zone switches itself off. If one of the cooking zones is not switched off after a certain time, or if the heat setting is not modified, the relevant cooking zone switches off automatically. Heat setting V, 1 - 2 3-4 5 6-9 Switches off after 6 hours 5 hours 4 hours 1. 5 hours 43 Tips on Cooking and Frying 3 Information on acrylamides According to the latest scientific knowledge, intensive browning of food, especially in products containing starch, can constitute a health risk due to acrylamides. Therefore we recommend cooking at the lowest possible temperatures and not browning foods too much. Cookware for induction cooking zones Cookware made of Steel, enamelled steel Cast iron Stainless steel Aluminium, copper, brass Glass, ceramic, porcelain suitable yes yes if appropriately labelled by the manufacturer ----- 3 Cookware for induction cooking zones is labelled as suitable by the manufacturer. Test of suitability Cookware is suitable for induction, if . . . a little water is heated on an induction cooking zone set to heat setting 9 within a few seconds. a magnet sticks to the bottom of the cookware. Certain cookware can make noises when being used on induction cooking zones. These noises are not a fault in the appliance and do not affect operation in any way. Pan size Induction cooking zones adapt automatically to the size of the cookware bottom up to a certain limit. However the magnetic part of the cookware bottom must have a minimum diameter depending upon the size of the cooking zone. [. . . ] Danger de blessure due au courant lectrique. La borne de raccordement est sous tension. Isolez la borne de raccordement au secteur. Respectez les rgles de scurit lectrotechniques. [. . . ]


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