Bedienungsanleitung AEG-ELECTROLUX KF3100

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Mode d'emploi AEG-ELECTROLUX KF3100
Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung AEG-ELECTROLUX KF3100

Detaillierte Anleitungen zur Benutzung finden Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung.

[. . . ] 822_949_448 KF31xx. book Seite 1 Montag, 14. Juli 2008 12:07 12 KF 31. . Kaffeeautomat Coffee maker Gebrauchsanweisung Operating instructions 822_949_448 KF31xx. book Seite 2 Montag, 14. Juli 2008 12:07 12 E D C B F G A H 1 2 2 3 4 822_949_448 KF31xx. book Seite 3 Montag, 14. Juli 2008 12:07 12 d geehrte d Sehr geehrter Kundin, sehr Kunde, lesen Sie bitte diese Gebrauchsanweisung sorgfltig durch. [. . . ] Ist die Entkalkerlsung durchgelaufen, Gert abschalten. Im Bedarfsfall Entkalkungsvorgang wiederholen. Anschlieend Durchlaufvorgang mit klarem Wasser mindestens 2mal wiederholen. Kaffeekrug, Krugdeckel und Filterhalter unter flieendem Wasser grndlich absplen. Filterventil whrend des Splens mehrmals bettigen. 5 822_949_448 KF31xx. book Seite 6 Montag, 14. Juli 2008 12:07 12 d Kaffeekrug Geht Ihr Kaffeekrug zu Bruch, so erhalten Sie gegen Berechnung bei Ihrem Fachhndler oder dem Kundendienst unter Angabe der Modellbezeichnung Ihres Kaffeeautomaten einen Ersatzkrug: siehe Typschild (Bild 1/H). Technische Daten Netzspannung: Leistungsaufnahme: 220 240 V 915 - 1080 W ; Dieses Gert erfllt folgende EC Normen: Niedrig-Spannungs-Norm 2006/95/EC EMC Norm 89/336/EEC und Ergnzung 92/31/EEC sowie 93/68/EEC 6 822_949_448 KF31xx. book Seite 7 Montag, 14. Juli 2008 12:07 12 g g Dear customer 1 Safety Instructions This appliance corresponds to accepted technological standards with regards to safety. Nevertheless, as a manufacturer, we consider it our duty to familiarise you with the following safety instructions. Please read these operating instructions through carefully. Above all, please follow the safety instructions on the first few pages of these operating instructions!Please keep the operating instructions for future reference. If applicable, pass these instructions on to the next owner of the appliance. General safety The appliance must be connected only to a power supply at a voltage and frequency which comply with the specifications on the rating plate on the underside of the appliance! The appliance should only be plugged into a socket installed according to regulations. Never pick up the appliance if the lead is damaged, the housing is damaged. Never use the lead to pull the plug out from the socket. If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard. Repairs to this appliance may only be carried out by qualified service engineers. Considerable danger may result from improper repairs. If repairs become necessary, please contact the Customer Care Department or your authorised dealer. The appliance is intended only for preparing coffee in the home, not for commercial use. The manufacturer accepts no liability for damage caused by improper use or use other than for the intended purpose. This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge unless they have been given initial supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. 1 The warning triangle and/or key words (Danger!, Caution!, Important!), draw your attention to information which is important for your safety or the correct functioning of the appliance. It is essential that this information is observed. [. . . ] Juli 2008 12:07 12 g Coffee jug If your coffee jug smashed, you can purchase a new one from your sales dealer or the service centre specifying the model of your coffee maker, see rating plate (figure 1/H). Technical Data Mains voltage: Power consumption: 220 240 V 915 - 1080 W ; This appliance conforms with the following EC Directives: Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC EMC Directive 89/336/EEC with amendments 92/31/EEC and 93/68/EEC 10 822_949_448 KF31xx. book Seite 11 Montag, 14. Juli 2008 12:07 12 r , r , . , , , . 1 / (!, !, !) , . 0 - . , ! [. . . ]


DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter…
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