Bedienungsanleitung AEG-ELECTROLUX OLA8

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Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung AEG-ELECTROLUX OLA8

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[. . . ] LAVAMAT LS 84840 User manual Washing machine 2 Contents Thank you for choosing one of our high-quality products. To ensure optimal and regular performance of your appliance please read this instruction manual carefully. It will enable you to navigate all processes perfectly and most efficiently. To refer to this manual any time you need to, we recommend you to keep it in a safe place. [. . . ] load 1 kg Maximum spin speed at 1200 rpm Synthetic fabrics to be gentle washed and spun. Selecting this programme the laundry is gently washed and spun to avoid any creasing. Furthermore the machine will perform additional rinses. DELICATES 40°- Cold Main wash - Rinses - Short spin Max. load kg 1, 5 - Reduced load kg 1, 5 Maximum spin speed at 1200 rpm Delicate fabrics: acrylics, viscose, polyester. DELICATE RINSES Rinses - Short spin Max. load 1200 kg Maximum spin speed at 1200 rpm With this programme it is possible to rinse and spin cotton garments which have been washed by hand. The machine performs some rinses, followed by a final spin. DRAIN Draining of water For emptying out the water of the last rinse in programmes with the Rinse Hold option selected. 17 Options1) SPIN REDUCTION NIGHT CYCLE RINSE HOLD PREWASH STAIN EXTRA RINSE SENSITIVE TIME 2) SPIN REDUCTION RINSE HOLD PREWASH EXTRA RINSE Detergent Compartment SPIN REDUCTION NIGHT CYCLE RINSE HOLD STAIN PREWASH EXTRA RINSE TIME 2) SPIN REDUCTION NIGHT CYCLE RINSE HOLD EXTRA RINSE 18 Washing programmes Programme - Maximum and Minimum - Cycle Description - Temperature - Maximum Fabrics Load Type of Laundry SPIN Drain and long spin Max. load 6 kg Maximum spin speed at 1400 rpm Separate spin for hand washed cotton garments and after programmes with the Rinse Hold option selected. Before selecting this programme the selector dial . You can choose the spin speed must be turned to by pressing the relevant button to adapt it to the fabrics to be spun. load 3 kg Maximum spin speed at 1200 rpm Separate short spin for delicates, synthetics and hand washed garments and after programmes with the Rinse Hold option selected. You gramme the selector dial must be turned to can choose the spin speed by pressing the relevant button to adapt it to the fabrics to be spun. WOOL PLUS 40° - Cold Main wash - Rinses - Short spin Max. load 2 kg Maximum spin speed at 1200 rpm Washing programme for machine washable wool as well as for hand washable woollens and delicate fabrics. Note : A single or bulky item may cause imbalance. If the appliance doesn't perform the final spin phase, add more items, redistribute the load manually and then select the spinning programme. LINGERIE 40° - Cold Main wash - Rinses - Short spin Max. load 1 kg Maximum spin speed at 1200 rpm This programme is suitable for very delicate items, as lingerie, bras and underwear etc. SILK 40° - Cold Main wash - Rinses - Short spin Max. load 1 kg Maximum spin speed at 1200 rpm Delicate washing programme suitable for silk and mixed synthetics items. Options1) SPIN REDUCTION Detergent Compartment SPIN REDUCTION SPIN REDUCTION NIGHT CYCLE RINSE HOLD SPIN REDUCTION NIGHT CYCLE RINSE HOLD SPIN REDUCTION NIGHT CYCLE RINSE HOLD Washing programmes Programme - Maximum and Minimum - Cycle Description - Temperature - Maximum Fabrics Load Type of Laundry OUTDOOR SPORTS 40° - Cold Main wash - Rinses - Short spin Max. [. . . ] Installation should comply with local water authority and building regulations requirements. Check the minimum water pressure required for safe operation of the appliance in the chapter "Technical Data". Water-stop device The inlet hose is provided with a water stop device, which protects against damage caused by water leaks in the hose which could develop due to natural ageing of the hose. This fault is shown by a red sector in the window «A» . Should this occur, turn the water tap off and refer to your Service Centre to replace the hose. Water drainage The end of the drain hose can be positioned in three ways: 1. [. . . ]


DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter…
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