Bedienungsanleitung AEG-ELECTROLUX SK48840-7I

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Mode d'emploi AEG-ELECTROLUX SK48840-7I

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Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung AEG-ELECTROLUX SK48840-7I

Detaillierte Anleitungen zur Benutzung finden Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung.

[. . . ] SANTO Gebrauchsanweisung Operating instructions Mode d' emploi SK 48840-7I Kühlschrank Refrigerator Réfrigerateur N/AE/62. (08. ) 200382186 PERFECT IN FORM UND FUNCTION Bevor Sie Ihr Gerät anschließend in Betrieb nehmen, lesen Sie bitte zuerst die Gebrauchsanleitung durch, die Sicherheitshinweise und wichtige Informationen enthält. Nur so können Sie das Gerät sicher und zuverlässig nutzen und werden viel Freude daran haben. Folgende Zeichen werden Ihnen helfen, sich in der Gebrauchsanleitung besser zurecht zu finden. [. . . ] So you are asked to be careful - because of the above - when placing foods wrapped in paper into the appliance. during heatwaves, the refrigerator temporarily happens to operate constantly. During this the automatic defrosting is ineffective. Remaining small ice and frost stains on back plate of the fresh food compartment after defrosting period is not abnormal. The frozen food compartment can not be equipped with automatic defrosting set since the deep-frozen and frozen foods do not endure melting temperature. Provided it is not too thick, the layer of frost or ice can be scraped off and removed using a plastic scraper. 31 When ice coating is so thick that it can not be removed with the plastic scraper, the frozen food compartment has to be defrosted (generally 2-3 times a year). Take the foods out of the frozen and fresh food compartment, wrap them into some layers of paper or cloth. Put them to a possible cool place while defrosting. Break the circuit of the appliance and leave the doors of frozen and fresh food compartment open. Continuously blot off the defrosting water by a soft cloth or sponge. After defrosting wipe the surfaces, apply voltage to the appliance and put the foods back to their places. It is recommended to operate the appliance at the highest position of the thermostatic control so that it can reach the proper storing temperature as soon as possible. Cleaning Never use metal objects for cleaning your appliance as it may get damaged. NEVER use detergents, abrasive powders, highly perfumed cleaning products or wax polishes to clean the interior as these will damage the surface and leave a strong odour. Clean the inside with warm water and bicarbonate of soda. To guarantee a safe operation of the fridge, once a year remove the ventilation grill at the base and clean the air channels with a vacuum cleaner. When the appliance is not in use Disconnect the appliance from the electricity supply. Empty all foods and clean the appliance, leaving the doors ajar to prevent unpleasant smells. How to change the bulb Should the light fail to work you can change it as below: Break the circuit of the appliance. Unscrew the plate screw fixing the lamp cover, then take the lamp cover off in the direction of arrow and the bulb can be changed. (Type of the bulb: Mignon 322, 230 V, 15 W, E 14 thread) After changing bulb replace the lamp cover, screw the plate screw and apply voltage to the appliance. The lack of light does not influence operation of the refrigerator. 32 Something not Working Problems may be due to causes which can easily be solved before calling the Technical Service. [. . . ] Si la prise de courant murale n'est pas mise à la terre, branchez l'appareil sur une prise de terre conformément aux normes en vigueur, en faisant appel à lun électricien. L'appareil ne doit pas être raccordé à l'aide d'un prolongateur ou d'une prise multiple. Notre responsabilité ne saurait être engagée en cas d'incidents ou d'incendie provoqués par une mise à la terre inexistante ou défectueuse. L'installation doit être réalisée conformément aux règles de l'art, aux prescriptions de la norme NFC 15100 et aux prescriptions des fournisseurs d'énergie électrique. [. . . ]


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