Bedienungsanleitung ASUS VW226T

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Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung ASUS VW226T

Detaillierte Anleitungen zur Benutzung finden Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung.

[. . . ] Einen Wartungstechniker konsultieren, wenn der Monitor auch dann nicht normal funktioniert, wenn die Anleitungen in diesem Handbuch befolgt wurden. Die Abdeckung darf nur von qualifiziertem Wartungspersonal geöffnet werden. Den Monitor nicht direktem Sonnenlicht aussetzen oder ihn in der Nähe eines Ofens oder anderer Wärmequellen aufstellen. Gegenstände entfernen, die in die Lüftungsschlitze fallen oder die ordnungsgemäße Kühlung der Monitorelektronik behindern könnten. [. . . ] Flame retardants have been found in human blood and researchers fear that disturbances in fetus development may occur. The relevant TCO'99 demand requires that plastic components weighing more than 25 grams must not contain flame retardants with organically bound bromine or chlorine. Flame retardants are allowed in the printed circuit boards since no substitutes are available. Cadmium** Cadmium is present in rechargeable batteries and in the color-generating layers of certain computer displays. Cadmium damages the nervous system and is toxic in high doses. The relevant TCO'99 requirement states that batteries, the color-generating layers of display screens and the electrical or electronics components must not contain any cadmium. Mercury** Mercury is sometimes found in batteries, relays and switches. It damages the nervous system and is toxic in high doses. The relevant TCO'99 requirement states that batteries may not contain any mercury. It also demands that mercury is not present in any of the electrical or electronics components associated with the labeled unit. CFCs (freons) file:///D|/My%20documents/dfu/W7/german/170s5/SAFETY/REGS/REGULAT. HTM (2 of 13)6/8/2004 9:24:50 AM Regulatory Information The relevant TCO'99 requirement states that neither CFCs nor HCFCs may be used during the manufacture and assembly of the product. epa. gov. tw For help and service, please contact Consumers Information Center or F1rst Choice Contact file:///D|/My%20documents/dfu/W7/german/170s5/SAFETY/REGS/REGULAT. HTM (4 of 13)6/8/2004 9:24:50 AM Regulatory Information Information Center in each country or the following team of Environmental specialist can help. Job Chiu - Environment manager Philips Electronics Industries (Taiwan) Ltd, Monitor Business Unit E-mail: job. chiu@philips. com Tel: +886 (0) 3 454 9839 Mr. Maarten ten Houten - Senior Environmental Consultant Philips Consumer Electronics E-mail: marten. ten. houten@philips. com Tel: +31 (0) 40 27 33402 Mr. Teglas Philips Consumer Electronics North America E-mail: butch. teglas@philips. com Tel: +1 865 521 4322 RETURN TO TOP OF THE PAGE CE Declaration of Conformity Philips Consumer Electronics declare under our responsibility that the product is in conformity with the following standards - EN60950:2000 (Safety requirement of Information Technology Equipment) - EN55022:1998 (Radio Disturbance requirement of Information Technology Equipment) - EN55024:1998 (Immunity requirement of Information Technology Equipment) - EN61000-3-2:1995 (Limits for Harmonic Current Emission) - EN61000-3-3:1995 (Limitation of Voltage Fluctuation and Flicker) following provisions of directives applicable - 73/23/EEC (Low Voltage Directive) - 89/336/EEC (EMC Directive) - 93/68/EEC (Amendment of EMC and Low Voltage Directive) and is produced by a manufacturing organization on ISO9000 level. The product also comply with the following standards - ISO9241-3, ISO9241-7, ISO9241-8 (Ergonomic requirement for Visual Display) - ISO13406-2 (Ergonomic requirement for Flat panels) - GS EK1-2000 (GS specification) - prEN50279:1998 (Low Frequency Electric and Magnetic fields for Visual Display) - MPR-II (MPR:1990:8/1990:10 Low Frequency Electric and Magnetic fields) - TCO'95, TCO'99, TCO'03 (Requirement for Environment Labelling of Ergonomics, Energy, Ecology and Emission, TCO: Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees) for TCO versions RETURN TO TOP OF THE PAGE Energy Star Declaration file:///D|/My%20documents/dfu/W7/german/170s5/SAFETY/REGS/REGULAT. HTM (5 of 13)6/8/2004 9:24:50 AM Regulatory Information ASUS 170S5 This monitor is equipped with a function for saving energy which supports the VESA Display Power Management Signaling (DPMS) standard. This means that the monitor must be connected to a computer which supports VESA DPMS to fulfill the requirements in the NUTEK specification 803299/94. Time settings are adjusted from the system unit by software. NUTEK Normal operation Power Saving Alternative 2 One step VESA State ON LED Indicator Green Power Consumption < 35 W OFF Amber <1W As an ENERGY STAR® Partner, ASUS has determined that this product meets the ENERGY STAR® guidelines for energy efficiency. We recommend you switch off the monitor when it is not in use for quite a long time. RETURN TO TOP OF THE PAGE Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Notice (U. S. Only) This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. [. . . ] Vedia 3892 Capital Federal CP: 1430 Buenos Aires Phone: (011)-4544 2047 BRASIL Philips da Amazônia Ind. Luis Carlos Berrini, 1400 - Sao Paulo -SP Phone: 0800-701-0203 CHILE Philips Chilena S. A. box 2687Santiago de Chile Phone: (02)-730 2000 Fax : (02)-777 6730 COLOMBIA Industrias Philips de Colombia S. A. -Division de Servicio CARRERA 15 Nr. 104-33 Bogota, Colombia Phone:(01)-8000 111001 (toll free) Fax : (01)-619-4300/619-4104 MEXICO Consumer Information Centre Norte 45 No. 669 Col. [. . . ]


DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter…
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