Bedienungsanleitung BOSCH BHS21200

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Mode d'emploi BOSCH BHS21200
Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung BOSCH BHS21200

Detaillierte Anleitungen zur Benutzung finden Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung.

[. . . ] BHS2 it de en fr Istruzioni per l'uso Gebrauchsanleitung Instructions for use Notice d'utilisation 1 CLICK! 2 3 4 5 6 min max 1 0 7 max min 8 9 10 11 a b 11 b 12 13 14 it Instruzioni per l´uso . . 20 1 12* 1 12 2 11* 11 3 4 10 9 5* 8 7 A B BBZ4AD1 6 C D BBZ4AD1 2 Descrizione dell'apparecchio 1 Impugnatura con supporto a muro e gancio 2 Gancio superiore per cavo 3 Cavo di collegamento alla rete elettrica 4 Gancio inferiore per cavo (girevole) 5 Microfiltro igienico di protezione del motore* 6 Sacchetto filtro 7 Manopola di regolazione della potenza 8 Spazzola per tappeti/pavimenti 9 Coperchio dell'apparecchio 10 Maniglia di trasporto 11 Bocchetta per giunti* 12 Interruttore ON/OFF con regolatore di potenza* * a seconda della specifica dotazione Parti di ricambio e accessori speciali Dispositivo di sollevamento dei fili (1) può essere richiesto presso il servizio di assistenza tecnica. 1 A Confezione di filtri di ricambio BHZ4AF1 / Tipo S Contenuto: 8 sacchetti filtro con sistema di chiusura 1 microfiltro igiene B Spazzola per pavimenti TURBO-UNIVERSAL® BBZ102TBB Per spazzolare e pulire in una sola operazione moquette e tappeti a pelo corto nonché per tutti i tipi di rivestimenti. Ideale per l'aspirazione dei peli di animali. [. . . ] Used vacuum cleaners Used vacuum cleaners still contain many recyclable materials. Therefore, please take used vacuum cleaners to your retailer or recycling centre so that they can be recycled. For current disposal methods, please enquire at your appliance dealership or local council. Only connect the appliance to a socket that is protected by at least a 16 amp circuit breaker. If a fuse is tripped when you switch on the vacuum cleaner, this may be because other electrical appliances which have a high current draw are connected to the same power circuit. 17 en Fold out picture pages. Figure 6 The suction can be varied by turning the rotary control. Figure 7 On models with an electronics module, the suction can also be regulated by the combined power controller and on/off switch. Before using for the first time Figure 1 Connect the hand grip to the vacuum cleaner so that you hear it engage and the lower power cord hook can be fitted. The cord must be routed through the recess on the side of the hand grip as otherwise it may be damaged. Caution: once thecannotgrip has been engaged, it be removed from the vacuum cleaner. Figure 2 Fit the lower power cord hook onto the vacuum cleaner. Figure 3 Insert the hand-held vacuum cleaner into the connecting piece of the floor tool. Vacuuming Figure 8 Adjusting the floor tool: Move the switch on the floor tool to: for vacuuming rugs/carpets for vacuuming hard floors such as parquet, floorboards, tiles, etc. Figure 9 Vacuuming with accessories* Crevice nozzle For cleaning crevices and corners. When the work is done Figure 10 Unplug the vacuum cleaner. Wind the power cord around the power cord hooks on the back of the vacuum cleaner. Figure 11 a) The vacuum cleaner can be carried by the carrying handle. b) To store the vacuum cleaner, it can be hung up by the hand grip or propped up securely against the wall using the parking stopper. Setting up Figure 4 To quickly release the power cord, turn the upper power cord hook downwards. Switch the vacuum cleaner on/off at the switch. 18 en Changing the dust bag and filters Replacing the dust bag If the vacuum cleaner's suction decreases noticeably, the dust bag must be replaced. Figure 12 Open the lid in the direction of the arrow and remove it from the appliance. Figure 13 Seal the dust bag by pulling the sealing strip, remove it and insert a new dust bag. if a dust bag has been Care Always switch off the vacuum cleaner and disconnect the power cord from the mains before cleaning the vacuum cleaner. The vacuum cleaner and plastic accessories can be cleaned with a commercial plastic cleaner. !Do not use a scourer, or glass-cleaning agent all-purpose cleaning product. Never immerse the vacuum cleaner in water. The dust compartment can, if necessary, be cleaned with a second vacuum cleaner or simply wiped with a dry cloth or dusting brush. If you have used the vacuum cleaner for fine dust particles (such as plaster or cement), clean or replace the microfilter. [. . . ] 2 - 6) Mängel am Gerät, die nachweislich auf einem Material- und/oder Herstellungsfehler beruhen, wenn sie uns unverzüg lich nach Feststellung und innerhalb von 24 Monaten - bei gewerblichem Gebrauch oder gleichzusetzender Beanspruchung innerhalb von 12 Monaten - nach Lieferung an den Erstendabnehmer gemeldet werden. Zeigt sich der Mangel innerhalb von 6 Monaten ab Lieferung, wird vermutet, dass es sich um einen Material- oder Herstellungsfehler handelt. Die Garantie erstreckt sich nicht auf leicht zerbrechliche Teile wie z. B. Eine Garantiepflicht wird nicht ausgelöst durch geringfügige Abweichungen von der SollBeschaffenheit, die für Wert und Gebrauchstauglichkeit des Gerätes unerheblich sind, oder durch Schäden aus chemischen und elektrochemischen Einwirkungen von Wasser, sowie allgemein aus anomalen Umweltbedingungen oder sachfremden Betriebsbedingungen oder das Gerät sonst mit ungeeigneten Stoffen in Berührung gekommen ist. [. . . ]


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