Bedienungsanleitung BOSCH HBB33C550

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Mode d'emploi BOSCH HBB33C550

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Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung BOSCH HBB33C550

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[. . . ] Making cooking as much fun as eating Please read this instruction manual. This will ensure that you make use of all the technical benefits the cooker has to offer. It will provide you with important safety information. You will then be familiarised with the individual components of your new cooker. [. . . ] Hot soapy water: Clean with a dish cloth. Hot soapy water: Soak and clean with a dish cloth or brush. Stainless steel Door panels Oven carriage floor Glass cover for the oven light Seal Do not remove. Accessories Cleaning the self cleaning surfaces in the cooking compartment The back wall in the cooking compartment is coated with a highly porous ceramic layer. This coating absorbs and dispels splashes from baking and roasting while the oven is in operation. The higher the temperature and the longer the oven is in operation, the better the result will be. If splashes are still visible even after repeated use, proceed as follows: 1. Clean the cooking compartment floor, ceiling and side walls thoroughly. With the door closed, heat up the empty oven for approximately 2 hours at maximum temperature. 24 The ceramic coating is regenerated. When the cooking compartment has cooled down, remove the brown or white residue with water and a soft sponge. Light discolouration of the coating does not affect automatic self cleaning. Important notes Never use abrasive cleaning agents. You will scratch or destroy the highly porous coating. Never treat the ceramic coating with oven cleaner. If oven cleaner accidentally gets onto the rear wall, remove it immediately with a sponge and plenty of water. Cleaning the cooking compartment floor, ceiling and side walls Use a dish cloth and hot soapy water or a vinegar solution. If there are heavy deposits of dirt, use a stainless steel scouring pad or oven cleaner. Only use when the cooking compartment is cold. Never treat the self cleaning surfaces with a scouring pad or oven cleaner. Folding down the grill element The grill element can be folded down for cleaning. d There is a risk of burning. Pull the handle on the folding grill towards the front and push it upwards until you hear it click into place. At the same time, hold the grill element and fold it down. A B After cleaning, fold the grill element back up. Push the handle down until the grill element clicks into place. 25 Removing the oven carriage In order to clean the cooking compartment more easily, you can remove the oven carriage. [. . . ] 35 minutes Once small bubbles begin to form in the jars, reduce the temperature to approximately 120 to 140 ºC for 35 to 70 minutes, depending on the type of vegetable. Then switch off the oven and use the residual heat. 30 minutes Vegetables with cold water in one litre jars Gherkins Beetroot Brussels sprouts Beans, kohlrabi, red cabbage Peas Taking out the jars Do not place the hot jars on a cold or wet surface. They could suddenly burst. 50 Acrylamide in foodstuffs Which foods are affected? [. . . ]


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