Bedienungsanleitung CONSTRUCTA CF234650S

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Mode d'emploi CONSTRUCTA CF234650S
Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung CONSTRUCTA CF234650S

Detaillierte Anleitungen zur Benutzung finden Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung.

[. . . ] Instruction manual CF234650S en 9000 400 739 890203 Table of contents Safety information . Before using the appliance for the first time . 47 2 d Safety information Read this instruction manual carefully. Please keep the instruction and installation manuals in a safe place. [. . . ] The 0 Circotherm intensive setting cannot be used to bake on two levels. Dishes ë Bread baking Shelf Temperature height in ºC Baking time in minutes 0 Circotherm intensive Shelf Temperature height in ºC Dishes Pizza, fresh H 1 level 1 H 2 levels 1+3 Tarte flambée 1 Quiche 1 Tart 1 Swiss flan 1 Potato gratin made from raw potatoes H 1 level 1 H 2 levels 1+3 Pizza, frozen H 1 level H 2 levels Potato products Chips H 1 level H 2 levels Croquettes/Rösti Baked goods Bread rolls, prebaked, frozen Part baked rolls, frozen Part baked rolls Strudel, frozen 1 1+3 180 170 210 180 190 190 190* 180 230* 200 210* 210 25 40 15 50 35 45 35 50 20 60 45 55 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 170 180* 200 170 190 180 220* 190 210* 200 180 200 160 170 180 200 170 190 50 60 65 75 15 30 25 35 170 190 200 220 1 1+3 1 1 1 1 1 200 220 180 200 180 200 180 170 180 200 200 190 200 220 20 30 30 40 20 30 10 5 5 35 20 15 15 45 1 1 1 1 1 1 210 230 200 220 180 180 200 180 200 200 220 200 24 Tips and tricks The cake is too light in colour Check the shelf height and the recommended bakeware. Place the baking tin on the wire rack and not on the baking tray. Increase the baking time or the temperature. Shorten the baking time or reduce the temperature. Check the shelf height and the temperature. Do not place the baking tin directly in front of the air outlets in the back wall of the cooking compartment. Check for the correct position of the baking tin on the wire rack. Check the shelf height and the temperature. When baking small items, make sure that they are the same size and thickness. Shorten the baking time and increase the temperature slightly. The cake is too dark The cake is unevenly browned in the baking tin The cake is unevenly browned on the baking tray The cake is too dry The cake is too moist in the centre Reduce the temperature. Note: Higher temperatures do not mean shorter baking times (cooked on the outside, but not on the inside). Increase the baking time and allow the cake dough to prove longer. The cake collapses when you take Add less liquid to the mixture. Increase the baking time or it out of the oven reduce the temperature. The specified baking time is not correct Frozen products are not browned evenly after baking Frozen products are not browned, not crispy or the specified time is not correct For small items, check the amount on the baking tray. The items must not be touching each other. If frozen products are unevenly browned when prebaked, then uneven browning is to be expected after baking. Remove ice from frozen products before baking them. Do not use heavily frosted frozen products. Bread baking The values in the table are only guidelines. It may vary depending on the type and amount of dough. You should set the lower of the specified temperatures the first time. [. . . ] H Always disconnect the appliance from the power supply when work is carried out on the electronics. Switch off the circuit breaker or remove the fuse from your household fuse box. 43 Problem There is no electrical function (e. g. indicator lamps do not light up) Liquid or thin dough runs to one side The appliance is no longer functioning, : flashes in the clock display : flashes in the clock display, rrr" appears in the temperature display E011" appears in the temperature display The temperature display shows, EXXX, e. g. E300 Possible cause Blown fuse Appliance not installed level There was a power cut The power supply was interrupted while the appliance was in operation Permanent assignment of a button Internal fault in the appliance electronics Remedial action Check fuses in the fuse box and replace if necessary Check the appliance installation (see the Installation instructions) Reset the clock (see section: Electronic clock) Press the clock function button Cancel the permanent assignment of the button and press the clock function button Press the clock function button If the message does not go out, pull out the mains plug and plug it back in again after approx. [. . . ]


DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter…
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