Bedienungsanleitung D-LINK DWL-G810 BROCHURE 1

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Mode d'emploi D-LINK DWL-G810

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   D-LINK DWL-G810 BROCHURE (271 ko)

Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung D-LINK DWL-G810BROCHURE 1

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[. . . ] 2. 4GHz Wireless LAN "Pick-O-The-Crop" March 2004 Recommended Gaming Solution March 2004 DWL-G810 Editor's Choice September 2004 Gamestar's Tech Check Recommended June 2004 802. 11g Ethernet to Wireless LAN Client Adapter The AirPlusXtremeGTM DWL-G810 is a high-speed Ethernet-to-Wireless LAN Client Adapter that converts virtually any Ethernet device such as set-top box, game console, printer, laptop and desktop computer to a wireless network device. The DWL-G810 acts as a client bridge between Ethernet and a wireless LAN, providing seamless integration between the two network types. [. . . ] This enhanced speed and adoption of 2. 4GHz frequency, now available for public use in most countries, plus the mobility and convenience inherent in a wireless LAN, make this device an ideal solution for bandwidth intensive WLAN applications. Plug and Play Simply plug this compact device to an Ethernet interface, and your computer, print server, game console and other equipment will instantly become a wireless LAN device. Your device can TM transparently operate on a D-LinkAirPlusXtremeG , 802. 11g or any 802. 11b wireless network. Easy Settings With its Web-based configuration interface, more advanced settings can be applied in the DWL-G810. When connecting to another DWL-G810, this Ethernet to Wireless LAN Client Adapter requires no configuration at all. Y can use ou Key Features Easy, fast wireless connection for Ethernet devices 802. 11g wireless LAN standard 2. 4GHz frequency band Up to 108Mbps Turbo mode data transfer rate* Real throughput 15 times faster than 802. 11b * When operates with other Airplus XtremeG products. the convenient Setup Wizard for the easy installation of your DWL-G810. Whether you are using it in Ad-Hoc mode or Infrastructure mode, you can begin with the Setup Wizard. Interoperable With Wireless LAN Equipment DWL-G810 interoperates with all 802. 11b and 802. 11g wireless equipment. This Ethernet-to-Wireless LAN Client Adapter offers multiple non-overlapping channels to minimize interference from other wireless networks. Security The DWL-G810 provides choices of 64-bit, 128-bit and 152-bit WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) encryption, giving you an increased level of protection for sensitive data transmission and prevention of intruders from gaining access to your network connection. [. . . ] All other trademarks belong to their proprietors. Rev. 2004) U. S. A Canada Europe Germany France Netherlands Belgium Italy Iberia Sweden Norway Denmark Finland Singapore Australia China India Middle East (Dubai) Turkey Egypt Israel Latin America Brasil South Africa Russia Taiwan D-Link Corp. TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: 1-714-885-6000 1-905-8295033 44-20-8731-5555 49-6196-77990 33-1-30238688 31-10-282-1445 32(0)2-517-7111 39-2-2900-0676 34-93-4090770 46- ( 0 ) 8564-61900 47-23-897189 45-43-969040 358-9-2707-5080 65-6774-6233 61-2-8899-1800 86-10-5863-5800 91-022-2652-6696 9714-3916480 90-212-335-2553 202-414-4295 972-9-9715700 56-2-232-3185 55-11-55039320 27-1266-52165 7-095-744-0099 886-2-2910-2626 886-2-2916-1600 FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: 1-866-743-4905 1-905-8295223 44-20-8731-5511 49-6196-7799300 33-1-30238689 31-10-282-1331 32(0)2-517-6500 39-2-2900-1723 34-93-4910795 46- ( 0 ) 8564-61901 47-22-309085 45-43-424347 358-9-2707-5081 65-6774-6322 61-2-8899-1868 86-10-5863-5799 91-022-2652-8914 9714-3908881 90-212-335-2500 202-415-6704 972-9-9715601 56-2-232-0923 55-11-55039322 27- 1266-52186 7-095-744-0099#350 886-2-2910-1515 886-2-2914-6299 [. . . ]


DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter…
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