Bedienungsanleitung D-LINK DWL-P50 BROCHURE 1

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Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung D-LINK DWL-P50BROCHURE 1

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[. . . ] Power Over Ethernet DWL-P50 5VDC/12VDC Power Over Ethernet Adapter The DWL-P50 Power over Ethernet adapter is a single-port injector that provides DC power for a non-PoE-equipped device, such as a surveillance camera or a wireless access point. It is designed to operate with LAN switches and other equipment that support industry-standard 802. 3af Power over Ethernet (PoE) to deliver operation power to the networked device, allowing you to install the device at places such as on a rooftop or near a ceiling, where power is not easily accessible. [. . . ] It eliminates the need to individually power each IP phone. By transmitting remote power through the standard network cabling, the DWL-P50 does away with the need for an AC outlet at each device location. Only a single Ethernet cable is run to each device instead of separate power and data cables. Data and DC Power Transmission on the Same Network Cable On a standard 4-wire UTP Category 5 cable, only two pairs (pins 1, 2, 3 and 6) are used for Ethernet data transfer. At one end, your PoE Ethernet switch inserts DC voltage into the unused wires, taking advantage of the unused pair of the network cable wires. At the other end, the DWL-P50 taps the DC power from the Ethernet cable for use by the nonPoE device. Consequently, a single Category 5 cable can now carry both Ethernet data and DC power. The idea is to supply the remote end with power and Ethernet connectivity via a single network cable. Centralized Power Provision, Easy Deployment In addition to eliminating the need for additional, separate wiring for power, the DWL-P50 is also a useful tool that forms part of your centralized power network installation. A central UPS can be added to the PoE switch, to which all your wireless access points, surveillance cameras and Internet phones are connected. This installation provides uninterrupted power without the need to deploy a separate UPS for each device. Very Compact Size, Simple Installation The DWL-P50 is very small in size and lightweight and requires no configuration setting. [. . . ] All other trademarks belong to their proprietors. Rev. 2004) U. S. A Canada Europe Germany France Netherlands Belgium Italy Iberia Sweden Norway Denmark Finland Singapore Australia China India Middle East (Dubai) Turkey Egypt Israel Latin America Brasil South Africa Russia Taiwan D-Link Corp. TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: TEL: 1-714-885-6000 1-905-8295033 44-20-8731-5555 49-6196-77990 33-1-30238688 31-10-282-1445 32(0)2-517-7111 39-2-2900-0676 34-93-4090770 46- ( 0 ) 8564-61900 47-23-897189 45-43-969040 358-9-2707-5080 65-6774-6233 61-2-8899-1800 86-10-5863-5800 91-022-2652-6696 9714-3916480 90-212-335-2553 202-414-4295 972-9-9715700 56-2-232-3185 55-11-55039320 27-1266-52165 7-095-744-0099 886-2-2910-2626 886-2-2916-1600 FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: FAX: 1-866-743-4905 1-905-8295223 44-20-8731-5511 49-6196-7799300 33-1-30238689 31-10-282-1331 32(0)2-517-6500 39-2-2900-1723 34-93-4910795 46-( 0 ) 8564-61901 47-22-309085 45-43-424347 358-9-2707-5081 65-6774-6322 61-2-8899-1868 86-10-5863-5799 91-022-2652-8914 9714-3908881 90-212-335-2500 202-415-6704 972-9-9715601 56-2-232-0923 55-11-55039322 27- 1266-52186 7-095-744-0099#350 886-2-2910-1515 886-2-2914-6299 [. . . ]


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