Bedienungsanleitung DENON AH-W200

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DieBedienungsAnleitung-Hilfe zum Download von DENON AH-W200.

Mode d'emploi DENON AH-W200

Sie können sich auch noch diese Handbücher, die sich auf Ihr Produkt beziehen, herunterladen:

   DENON AH-W200 QUICK GUIDE (9270 ko)
   DENON AH-W200 (1958 ko)
   DENON AH-W200 QUICK GUIDE (9270 ko)

Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung DENON AH-W200

Detaillierte Anleitungen zur Benutzung finden Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung.

[. . . ] Retain Instructions ­ The safety and operating instructions should be retained for future reference. Heed Warnings ­ All warnings on the product and in the operating instructions should be adhered to. Follow Instructions ­ All operating and use instructions should be followed. Cleaning ­ Unplug this product from the wall outlet before cleaning. [. . . ] · The file name display, folder name display and ID-3 tag can (title/artist name/album name) be displayed. Each time the TITLE button is pushed, the file name display/folder name display, title display, artist name display or album name display are selected. NOTE: Title, Artist and Album name utilizes the data from the ID-3 tag. (if available) Data from the file name "root"is not used as the ID3 tag. Play, Pause and CUE · Like with a normal CD, it is possible to play, pause and back-CUE. · Pitch range, 4%, 10%, 16% NOTE: ·When you back CUE V. B. R. encoded files, the start position returns to the head of file 00:00:00 rather than where music is detected. 4 13 ENGLISH Manual search For only C. B. R files, manual searching can be performed. NOTE: ·With manual searching, it is only possible to search within the selected file. ·Manual searching in the reverse direction is possible up to the point 5 seconds before the point at which searching starts. ·The searching speed may vary according to the file's compression rate, etc. is not supported with this function. Seamless Loop/Hot start/Stutter/BTrim For only C. B. R. files, Hot starting, seamless loop playback, stuttering and B trim can be performed in the same way as with normal CDs. NOTE: ·The A and B points for the seamless loop must both be set within the same file. · If the MEMO indicator is already lit up, it is necessary to clear existing Memo before storing a new Memo. · At last push TRACK SELECT knob o down to save. You can see "Complete!" message and MEMO indicator lights up. MEMO FULL · If the memory is full and no more data can be stored, "Memo Full!" and "Del. · In this case, you need to clear memory of First 200s Memo (number 1 to 200) at a time to make space for new memos. · To make space, push TRACK SELECT knob o down while "Del. · "Delete OK?" message appears then push TRACK SELECT knob o down again to execute clearing. · After the first 200s Memo (number 0 to 199) are cleared, number after 200 Memo are renumbered as new 1, 2, 3. . . (now you have a new set of 200 empty spaces. ). BRAKE BRAKE is supported in the same way as with normal CDs. 9 OTHER FUNCTIONS 1. Relay play · The unit can play CD1 and CD2 alternately. · The relay mode is set when the CONT. /SINGLE button u is pressed for over 1 second. 2. Disc tray auto close 1 Disc tray will automatically close after 30 seconds have elapsed for the disc tray auto close mode. [. . . ] e Ist der Löschvorgang abgeschlossen, wird "Complete!" angezeigt. Die Software-Version des AH-W200 wird angezeigt. (PRESET INITIALIZE) : Stellen Sie alle voreingestellten Daten auf die werkseitigen Grundeinstellungen. q Drücken Sie zum Löschen der PRESET-Daten den TRACK SELECT-Knopf o. [. . . ]


DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter…
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Wenn Sie die Bedingungen akzeptieren, klicken Sie auf "Das Benutzerhandbuch herunterladen" am Ende dieses Vertrages, der Download von Handbuch DENON AH-W200 startet dann.

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