Bedienungsanleitung DENON DN-D4500

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Mode d'emploi DENON DN-D4500

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Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung DENON DN-D4500

Detaillierte Anleitungen zur Benutzung finden Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung.

[. . . ] DOUBLE CD/MP3 PLAYER / CD / MP3 DN-D4500 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG MODE D'EMPLOI ISTRUZIONI PER L'USO INSTRUCCIONES DE OPERACION GEBRUIKSAANWIJZING BRUKSANVISNING IMPORTANT TO SAFETY WARNING: TO PREVENT FIRE OR SHOCK HAZARD, DO NOT EXPOSE THIS APPLIANCE TO RAIN OR MOISTURE. NOTE: This CD player uses the semiconductor laser. To allow you to enjoy music at a stable operation, it is recommended to use this in a room of 5°C (41°F) ~ 35°C (95°F). model only) CERTIFICATION THIS PRODUCT COMPLIES WITH DHHS RULES 21 CFR SUBCHAPTER J APPLICABLE AT DATE OF MANUFACTURE. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 1. Read Instructions ­ All the safety and operating instructions should be read before the product is operated. [. . . ] NOTE: The MEMO function cannot be used for MP3. About TRACK MEMO · Up to 1000 memo points can be stored to internal memory for later recall. The number of tracks on a particular CD only limits the amount of memo points available per that disc. Example: If your CD has 22 tracks, you can only save up to 22 memos. (1 memo group per track. ) CAUTION: 1000 is the maximum possible number of tracks that can be stored to memory. However, to simplify the MEMO operations, the memory system manages each 200 MEMO data groups as a minimum unit (the total 1000 memory capacity divided into 5 memory data groups). When you want to clear just one MEMO data in the 1 MEMO CLEAR mode (see page 15), the unit will erase the memo information but not the internal memo allocation number. Accordingly, depending on conditions, the number of tracks that can be stored in the memory may be fewer than 1000. Once you reached 1000 stored points, you will see a message that says "MEMO FULL!". At this time you will need to "delete" old data to make room for new memo points. Therefore the oldest 200 memo points in that group will be deleted and become available. · The MEMO indicator on the display lights up when a track for which data is stored in the memory is selected. MEMO ITEMS The following items are max to be stored under 1 memory bank: q CUE point. e Playing pitch, pitch range pitch on/off, Key Adjust on/off, Hot Start/Stutter setting. MEMO MODE SELECT q Push the MEMO button @4 in CUE mode to enter MEMO mode. w Turn the TRACK SELECT knob o to select the various MEMO modes from as follows. Memo Set, MemoCall, Memo Clr Depending on conditions, some modes cannot be selected. e Push the MEMO button @4 again to exit MEMO mode. (1) Storing data in the memory [Memo Set] · After making your desired settings to be stored in memory, then push CUE button !0. · In CUE mode, push MEMO button @4 once to enable Memo set function. · If the MEMO indicator is already lit up, it is necessary to clear existing Memo before storing a new Memo. · At last push TRACK SELECT knob o down to save. [. . . ] "Initial OK?" blinkt auf dem Zeichendisplay. w Drücken Sie noch einmal den TRACK SELECT-Knopf o und wählen Sie "OK", um das Löschen der voreingestellten Daten auszuführen. Während die Daten gelöscht werden, erscheint "Preset Int" auf dem Zeichendisplay. e Ist der Löschvorgang abgeschlossen, wird "Complete!" angezeigt. 11 PRESET 1. [. . . ]


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