Bedienungsanleitung DENON DN-S1000

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Mode d'emploi DENON DN-S1000

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   DENON DN-S1000 (4235 ko)

Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung DENON DN-S1000

Detaillierte Anleitungen zur Benutzung finden Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung.

[. . . ] TABLE TOP SINGLE CD PLAYER / DN-S1000 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG MODE D'EMPLOI ISTRUZIONI PER L'USO INSTRUCCIONES DE OPERACION GEBRUIKSAANWIJZING BRUKSANVISNING POWER TITLE ON FLIP MEMO CLR A1 A A2 B EXIT/ RELOOP PRESET TIME NEXT TR. /SINGLE TRACK SEARCH TAP /LOOP FILTER DISC MODE ON : : BEND DRAG-S 0 BRAKE RVS CUE CUE/STUTTER PITCH/KEY PLAY/PAUSE DISC EJECT RANGE PITCH BEND FOR ENGLISH READERS FÜR DEUTSCHE LESER POUR LES LECTEURS FRANCAIS PER IL LETTORE ITALIANO PARA LECTORES DE ESPAÑOL VOOR NEDERLANDSTALIGE LEZERS FOR SVENSKA LÄSARE PAGE SEITE PAGE PAGINA PAGINA PAGINA SIDA 116 121 136 151 166 181 196 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PAGE SEITE PAGE PAGINA PAGINA PAGINA SIDA 120 135 150 165 180 195 110 CAUTION RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT OPEN SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 1. Read Instructions ­ All the safety and operating instructions should be read before the product is operated. Retain Instructions ­ The safety and operating instructions should be retained for future reference. [. . . ] · When the PARAMETERS knob is pushed, the time is entered and the BRAKE time selection mode is cancelled. *1 BRAKE time is displayed on play position indicator. PARAMETERS PUSH #3 Each push of the 13 button switches between reverse playback and normal playback. *2 Play position indicator lights up in orange during reverse playback. · The reverse play turns off when the Hot Start or stutter is started. PARAMETERS PUSH TRACK SEARCH MP3 SEARCH MODE *3 DRAG-S time is displayed on play position indicator. RVS mode off t If the RVS buttons is pressed when in the REVERSE MODE, the reverse mode is turned off. Start the DRAG-S: RVS 1-1 Set the BRAKE mode q The BRAKE function can be turned on by pushing the BRAKE button. BRAKE 1-2 TRACK SEARCH MP3 SEARCH MODE 2-3 3-3 #4 The DRAG-S is activated when playback is started with the 13 button. 1-2 Select the BRAKE time When the BRAKE turn on, the PARAMETERS and BRAKE LED flashes and parameter are displayed. If you use with default settings, there is a 3 second time out of inactivity for the BRAKE button once selected and BRAKE PARAMETERS knob if adjusted. After 3 seconds, and exits out of the BRAKE menu. Start the BRAKE DRAG-S mode off: i When the DRAG-S button is pressed, the DRAG-S time selection mode is set. If the DRAG-S button is pressed again during this time, the DRAG-S function is turned off. 1-3 #1 The BRAKE is activated when the 13 button is pushed during playback. STOP the BRAKE #2 The BRAKE mode can be cancelled by pressing the Play button again during this effect. 3-4 DRAG-S 1-4 17 ENGLISH 13 MEMO (Custom Setting Memory) CD setting information can be stored in the non-volatile memory. The stored information can be called out of the memory at later time, making it easy to prepare for your mixing. About MEMO · Up to 1000 memo points can be stored to internal memory for later recall. The number of tracks on a particular CD only limits the amount of memo points available per that disc. Example: If your CD has 22 tracks, you can only save up to 22 memos. (1 memo group per track. ) CAUTION: 1000 is the maximum possible number of tracks that can be stored to memory. However, to simplify the MEMO operations, the memory system manages each 200 MEMO data package as a minimum unit (the total 1000 memory capacity divided into 5 package units). When you want to clear just one MEMO data in the 1 MEMO CLEAR mode, the unit will erase the memo information but not the internal memo allocation number. Accordingly, depending on conditions, the number of tracks that can be stored in the memory may be fewer than 1000. Once you reached 1000 stored points, you will see a message that says "MEMO FULL!". At this time you will need to "delete" old data to make room for new memo points. Therefore the oldest 200 memo points will be deleted and become clear. · The MEMO indicator on the display lights up when a track for which data is stored in the memory is selected. MEMO ITEMS The following items are max to be stored under 1 memory bank: q Cue point w A1 and B1 points, A2 and B2 points e Playing pitch, pitch on/off, Key Adjust on/off setting 3. [. . . ] (11) Pitch : Pitch ON* / Key AdjON (KEY ADJUST ON) / Pitch OFF Wählen Sie den Pitch-Modus beim Einschalten der Stromversorgung aus. (12) Play Mode (SINGLE / CONTINUOUS / SINGLE PLAY LOCK) : Single / Cont. / Play Lock* Wählen Sie den Wiedergabemodus, wenn der Strom eingeschaltet wird. (13) Time Mode (ELAPSED/REMAIN) : Elapsed* / Remain Wählen Sie den Zeit-Modus, wenn der Strom eingeschaltet wird. [. . . ]


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