Bedienungsanleitung EPSON FX-1180

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Mode d'emploi EPSON FX-1180

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Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung EPSON FX-1180

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[. . . ] Control Panel Buttons and Lights Font lights Indicate which font is selected. To select a font, see Chapter 5. Micro Adjust Using the micro adjust feature, you can press the , and 7 buttons to adjust the top-of-form or tear-off position. See Chapter 3. · On when no paper is loaded in · the selected paper source or paper is not loaded correctly. Flashes when paper has not been fully ejected or a paper jam has occurred. Paper Out light Operate button Turns the printer on and off. [. . . ] To remove roll paper, remove the paper guide, cut the roll paper behind where it feeds into the printer; then press the Load/Eject button to eject the remaining paper. 3-42 Printing on Continuous Paper Chapter 4 Printing on Single Sheets Using the Paper Guide . 4-3 Using the Optional Cut-Sheet Feeders . Installing an optional cut-sheet feeder . Loading paper in the single-bin cut-sheet feeder . Loading paper in the high-capacity cut-sheet feeder . Assembling the double-bin cut-sheet feeder . Selecting your paper path (bin 1 or bin 2) . 4-5 4-5 4-7 4-11 4-14 4-16 4 Using an Optional Front Sheet or Front Paper Guide . 4-17 Installing the front sheet or front paper guide . 4-17 Loading paper in the front sheet or front paper guide . Switching to Printing on Continuous Paper . 4-22 4-23 Printing on Single Sheets 4-1 Using the Paper Guide Using the paper guide that comes with your printer, you can load one single sheet or envelope at a time from the top of the printer. Your single-sheet paper may be up to 257 mm (10. 1 inches) wide. (For detailed paper specifications, see Appendix B. ) c Caution: Do not load multi-part forms, carbon paper, or labels in the paper guide. Installing the paper guide If the paper guide is not installed on your printer, attach it by inserting the tabs on the paper guide straight down into the mounting slots on the printer. Then place the paper guide in the upright position. Note: You can use the paper guide only when the tractor unit is installed in the front or rear push position. To switch from printing on single sheets from the paper guide to printing on continuous paper from a tractor, see page 4-23. 4-2 Printing on Single Sheets When you are not using the paper guide, lay it flat on the printer to prevent it from obstructing your paper or being damaged. To lay the paper guide down, lift the paper guide up slightly, then lower it until it is lying flat on top of the printer. 2 1 4 Loading paper in the paper guide 1. Make sure the paper guide is in the upright position. Also make sure the paper thickness lever (located inside the printer cover) is set to 0 if you are using ordinary single-sheet paper. (If you are using envelopes, see "Loading Envelopes" on page 4-22 for instructions on setting the paper thickness lever. ) Move the paper release lever to the single-sheet position. 2. 5 6 4 3 2 1 0 -1 Printing on Single Sheets 4-3 3. 4. Press the Operate button to turn on the printer, if necessary. [. . . ] See high-capacity cut-sheet feeder single-bin cut-sheet feeder. See single-bin cut-sheet feeder B Background monitoring, 6-8­10 Barcode commands, B-12­14 Bins, cut-sheet feeder, 4-16 Buttons, inside front cover C Cables. See Interface cards Center support, inside back cover Character tables, B-16­25 Character table setting, 5-7 Choosing a place for the printer, 1-3 Cleaning the printer, A-2 Condensed font, 5-2 Connecting the printer to your computer, 1-11­12 Consumable products, 7. See also Ribbon cartridge D Default-setting mode option descriptions, 5-4­8 options table, 5-4, 5-7 changing, 5-8­9 DOS, 2-19­20 Double-bin cut-sheet feeder, assembling, 4-14­15 installing, 4-5­7 selecting, 4-16 Driver. [. . . ]


DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter…
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