Bedienungsanleitung HITACHI ED-X22EF

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Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung HITACHI ED-X22EF

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[. . . ] 52 14 52 14 53 15 54 15 54 16 16 55 17 17 Technische Daten . 57 18 18 19 19 20 2 Projektormerkmale / Vorbereitungen Lieferumfang HINWEIS Befestigen der Objektivkappe Ersetzen der Filterabdeckung für umgekehrte Verwendung 50 WARNUNG 3 Teilebezeichnungen HEISS! Projektor 48 16 16 5 32 16 3 50 16 13, 51 10 8 8 10 54 8 8 8 8 8 8 USB COMPUTER IN1 COMPUTER IN2 HEISS! AUDIO IN1 8 8 AUDIO IN2 S-VIDEO VIDEO K AUDIO OUT MONITOR OUT CONTROL WARNUNG HEISS!: VORSICHT 4 Teilebezeichnungen Bedienfeld 20 53 53 13 14, 20 13, 53 STANDBY/ON INPUT/ ENTER MENU LAMP TEMP POWER Fernbedienung 15 14 15 13 15 17 19 18 12, 18 12 12 12 12 14 12, 14 19 39 39 18 17 20 12, 20 12, 20 12, 20 12, 20 11 ESC ON VIDEO STORAGE SEARCH COMPUTER/ ASPECT AUTO BLANK MAGNIFY HOME PAGE UP VOLUME OFF END PAGE DOWN MUTE FREEZE MY BUTTON 1 KEYSTONE 2 POSITION MENU ENTER RESET HINWEIS 5 Einrichten Anordnung (b) (a) (c) auf (c) ab (c) ab (a) (c) auf (b) (a) ächengröße (diagonal) inch 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 120 150 200 250 300 (b) Projektionsabstand m inch 35 47 59 71 83 95 107 119 143 179 238 298 358 (b) Projektionsabstand cm 7 9 11 13 15 17 20 22 26 33 44 54 65 m m inch 42 57 71 85 100 114 128 143 171 215 286 358 430 inch 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 17 21 26 cm inch m inch 38 51 64 77 90 103 116 129 156 195 260 325 390 m inch 46 62 77 93 109 124 140 156 187 234 321 390 469 cm 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 6 7 9 inch 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 cm 36 49 61 73 85 97 109 122 146 182 243 304 365 inch 14 19 24 29 34 38 43 48 57 72 96 120 144 39 15 52 21 65 26 78 31 91 36 105 41 118 46 131 51 157 62 196 77 261 103 327 129 392 154 6 Einrichten WARNUNG VORSICHT 7 Einrichten Anschließen der Geräte DVD-Player PC Monitor AUDIO OUT L R COMPONENT CR/PR CB/PB Y RGB OUT RS-232C USB-A AUDIO OUT RGB OUT AUDIO OUT RGB IN AUDIO IN AUDIO OUT L R S-VIDEO OUT oder AUDIO OUT L R USB VIDEO OUT AUDIO IN1 COMPUTER IN1 COMPUTER IN2 AUDIO IN2 S-VIDEO VIDEO K AUDIO OUT MONITOR OUT CONTROL HINWEIS 29 WARNUNG VORSICHT 8 Einrichten Anschließen der Geräte (Fortsetzung) HINWEIS Informationen zur Plug & Play-Funktionalität 9 Einrichten Stromversorgung anschließen POWER AC IN 37 WARNUNG · Verwendung des Sicherungsschlitzes WARNUNG K HINWEIS 10 Fernbedienung Einsetzen von batterien WARNUNG · · · · · · Über das Fernbedienungssignal 30º 30º HINWEIS · · · 11 Fernbedienung Ändern der Frequenz des Fernbedienungssignals VIDEO STORAGE SEARCH COMPUTER/ ASPECT AUTO BLANK MAGNIFY ON HOME PAGE UP VOLUME OFF END PAGE DOWN MUTE FREEZE MY BUTTON 1 KEYSTONE 2 POSITION MENU ENTER 41 ESC RESET Verwendung als einfache PC-Maus u. Tastatur (1) Taste HOME: (2) Taste END: (3) Taste PAGE UP: (4) Taste PAGE DOWN: (5) Linke Maustaste: (6) (7) ESC-Taste: USB VIDEO STORAGE SEARCH COMPUTER/ ASPECT AUTO BLANK MAGNIFY ON HOME PAGE UP VOLUME OFF END PAGE DOWN MUTE VORSICHT FREEZE MY BUTTON 1 KEYSTONE 2 POSITION MENU ENTER ESC RESET HINWEIS 12 Gerät ein/aus Einschalten des Geräts STANDBY/ON INPUT/ ENTER MENU LAMP TEMP POWER VIDEO STORAGE SEARCH COMPUTER/ ASPECT AUTO BLANK MAGNIFY ON HOME PAGE UP VOLUME OFF END PAGE DOWN MUTE FREEZE MY BUTTON 1 KEYSTONE 2 POSITION MENU ENTER ESC RESET 19 Ausschalten des Geräts WARNUNG HINWEIS · 38 · 37 54 13 Betriebszustand Einstellen der Lautstärke VIDEO STORAGE SEARCH COMPUTER/ ASPECT AUTO BLANK MAGNIFY ON HOME PAGE UP VOLUME OFF END PAGE DOWN MUTE FREEZE MY BUTTON 1 KEYSTONE 2 POSITION MENU ENTER ESC RESET 32 Kurzzeitiges stummschalten des Klangs VIDEO STORAGE SEARCH COMPUTER/ ASPECT AUTO BLANK MAGNIFY ON HOME PAGE UP VOLUME OFF END PAGE DOWN MUTE 32 FREEZE MY BUTTON 1 KEYSTONE 2 POSITION MENU ENTER Ein eingangssignal wählen STANDBY/ON INPUT/ ENTER MENU LAMP TEMP POWER VIDEO STORAGE SEARCH COMPUTER/ ASPECT AUTO BLANK MAGNIFY ON HOME PAGE UP VOLUME OFF END PAGE DOWN MUTE FREEZE MY BUTTON 1 KEYSTONE 2 37 POSITION MENU 14 Betriebszustand Ein eingangssignal wählen (Fortsetzung) VIDEO STORAGE SEARCH COMPUTER/ ASPECT AUTO BLANK MAGNIFY ON HOME PAGE UP VOLUME OFF END PAGE DOWN MUTE FREEZE MY BUTTON 1 KEYSTONE 2 POSITION MENU 37 ENTER Suchen eines Eingangssignals VIDEO STORAGE SEARCH COMPUTER/ ASPECT AUTO BLANK MAGNIFY ON HOME PAGE UP VOLUME OFF END PAGE DOWN MUTE FREEZE MY BUTTON 1 KEYSTONE 2 POSITION MENU Wahl eines Seitenverhältnisses COMPUTER/ VIDEO STORAGE SEARCH ASPECT AUTO BLANK MAGNIFY ON HOME PAGE UP VOLUME 15 Betriebszustand Ausrichten des Projektors über die einstellfüße VORSICHT Einstellen von Zoom und Fokus 16 Betriebszustand Korrigieren von keystone-verzerrungen VIDEO STORAGE SEARCH COMPUTER/ ASPECT AUTO BLANK MAGNIFY ON HOME PAGE UP VOLUME OFF END PAGE DOWN MUTE FREEZE MY BUTTON 1 KEYSTONE 2 POSITION MENU 29 Einstellung der Position OFF END PAGE DOWN MUTE FREEZE MY BUTTON 1 KEYSTONE 2 POSITION MENU ENTER ESC RESET 26 17 Betriebszustand Korrektur der Trapezverzerrung VIDEO STORAGE SEARCH COMPUTER/ ASPECT AUTO BLANK MAGNIFY ON HOME PAGE UP VOLUME OFF END PAGE DOWN MUTE FREEZE MY BUTTON 1 KEYSTONE 2 POSITION MENU 46 Verwendung des Vergrößerung-Merkmals VIDEO STORAGE SEARCH COMPUTER/ ASPECT AUTO BLANK MAGNIFY ON HOME PAGE UP VOLUME OFF END PAGE DOWN MUTE FREEZE MY BUTTON 1 KEYSTONE 2 POSITION MENU HINWEIS · 18 Betriebszustand Einfrieren des Bildschirms COMPUTER/ VIDEO STORAGE SEARCH 36 ASPECT AUTO BLANK MAGNIFY ON HOME PAGE UP VOLUME OFF END PAGE DOWN MUTE FREEZE MY BUTTON 1 KEYSTONE 2 POSITION MENU 39 Kurzzeitiges Schwarzabtasten des Bildschirms COMPUTER/ VIDEO STORAGE SEARCH 33 ASPECT AUTO BLANK MAGNIFY ON HOME PAGE UP VOLUME OFF END PAGE DOWN MUTE FREEZE MY BUTTON 1 KEYSTONE 2 POSITION MENU 39 HINWEIS · 19 Betriebszustand Verwendung der Menüfunktion POSITION MENU STANDBY/ON INPUT/ ENTER MENU LAMP TEMP POWER ESC ENTER RESET BLA NK ARCH VOL UME MUT E STO UTER/ RAG E SE UP PAGE PAGE DOW KEY N STO NE AUTO EO COMP BUT 1 TON E ME 2 NU VID ASPE END MAGNIFY MY FREE OFF POSIT ION ENTE ON ZE R Um im EINF. MENÜ Im erweiterte MENÜ 20 ESC RESE T CT HOM EINF. [. . . ] · Depending on the input signal, full-size display may not be possible in some cases. Refer to the number of display pixels above. · Although the projector can display signals with resolution up to UXGA (1600x1200), the signal will be converted to the projector's panel resolution before being displayed. The best display performance will be achieved if the resolutions of the input signal and projector panel are identical. · Automatically adjustment may not function correctly with some input signals. · The image may not be displayed correctly when the input sync signal is a composite sync or a sync on G. 1 Initial set signals Initial set signals The following signals are used for the initial settings. The signal timing of some PC models may be different. In such case, adjust the items V POSITION and H POSITION in the IMAGE menu. Back porch (B) Data H. Sync (A) Front porch (D) Back porch (b) Data V. Sync (a) Front porch (d) Display interval (C) Display interval (c) PC/Signal TEXT VGA (60Hz) VGA (72Hz) VGA (75Hz) VGA (85Hz) SVGA (56Hz) SVGA (60Hz) SVGA (72Hz) SVGA (75Hz) SVGA (85Hz) Mac 16" mode XGA (60Hz) XGA (70Hz) XGA (75Hz) XGA (85Hz) 1152 x 864 (75Hz) 1280 x 960 (60Hz) SXGA (60Hz) SXGA (75Hz) SXGA (85Hz) UXGA (60Hz) W-XGA (60Hz) SXGA+ (60Hz) (A) 2. 0 3. 8 1. 3 2. 0 1. 6 2. 0 3. 2 2. 4 1. 6 1. 1 1. 1 2. 1 1. 8 1. 2 1. 0 1. 2 1. 0 1. 0 1. 1 1. 0 1. 2 1. 7 1. 2 (B) 3. 0 1. 9 4. 1 3. 8 2. 2 3. 6 2. 2 1. 3 3. 2 2. 7 3. 9 2. 5 1. 9 2. 2 2. 2 2. 4 2. 9 2. 3 1. 8 1. 4 1. 9 2. 5 2. 0 (C) 20. 3 25. 4 20. 3 20. 3 17. 8 22. 2 20. 0 16. 0 16. 2 14. 2 14. 5 15. 8 13. 7 13. 0 10. 8 10. 7 11. 9 11. 9 9. 5 8. 1 9. 9 16. 0 11. 4 (D) 1. 0 0. 6 0. 8 0. 5 1. 6 0. 7 1. 0 1. 1 0. 3 0. 6 0. 6 0. 4 0. 3 0. 2 0. 5 0. 6 0. 9 0. 4 0. 1 0. 4 0. 4 0. 8 0. 7 PC/Signal TEXT VGA (60Hz) VGA (72Hz) VGA (75Hz) VGA (85Hz) SVGA (56Hz) SVGA (60Hz) SVGA (72Hz) SVGA (75Hz) SVGA (85Hz) Mac 16" mode XGA (60Hz) XGA (70Hz) XGA (75Hz) XGA (85Hz) 1152 x 864 (75Hz) 1280 x 960 (60Hz) SXGA(60Hz) SXGA (75Hz) SXGA (85Hz) UXGA (60Hz) W-XGA (60Hz) SXGA+ (60Hz) Vertical signal timing (lines) (a) (b) (c) (d) 3 42 400 1 2 33 480 10 3 28 480 9 3 16 480 1 3 25 480 1 2 22 600 1 4 23 600 1 6 23 600 37 3 21 600 1 3 27 600 1 3 39 624 1 6 29 768 3 6 29 768 3 3 28 768 1 3 36 768 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 32 36 38 38 44 46 23 33 864 960 1024 1024 1024 1200 768 1050 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Connection to the ports Connection to the ports A B USB COMPUTER IN1 COMPUTER IN2 AUDIO IN1 AUDIO IN2 S-VIDEO VIDEO K AUDIO OUT MONITOR OUT C CONTROL A COMPUTER IN1, B COMPUTER IN2, C MONITOR OUT D-sub 15pin mini shrink jack (1) for PC signal 11 6 7 1 2 12 8 3 13 9 4 14 10 5 15 terminated (positive) · H/V. Signal: TTL level (positive/negative) · Composite sync. Signal: TTL level Pin Signal 1 Video Red 2 Video Green 3 Video Blue 4 5 6 7 8 9 (No connection) Ground Ground Red Ground Green Ground Blue (No connection) Pin Signal 10 Ground 11 (No connection) 12 A : SDA (DDC data) B : (No connection) 13 H. 15 A : SCL (DDC clock) B : (No connection) - (2) for Component signal (COMPUTER IN1 only) · CR/PR : Component video CR/PR · CB/PB : Component video CR/PR Pin 1 CR/PR 2Y 3 CB/PB 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ground Ground CR/PR Ground Y Ground CB/PB (No connection) Signal Pin Signal 10 Ground 11 (No connection) 12 (No connection) 13 (No connection) 14 (No connection) 15 (No connection) 3 (No connection) Connection to the ports (continued) D H F AUDIO IN1 USB E S-VIDEO VIDEO COMPUTER IN1 COMPUTER IN2 AUDIO IN2 G K AUDIO OUT MONITOR OUT CONTROL D S-VIDEO Mini DIN 4pin jack Pin 1 2 3 4 Ground Ground 1 3 2 4 Signal E VIDEO RCA jack · System: NTSC, PAL, SECAM, PAL-M, PAL-N, NTSC4. 43 F AUDIO IN1, G AUDIO IN2, Ø3. 5 stereo mini jack H AUDIO OUT Ø3. 5 stereo mini jack 4 Connection to the ports (continued) I USB COMPUTER IN1 COMPUTER IN2 AUDIO IN1 AUDIO IN2 S-VIDEO VIDEO K AUDIO OUT MONITOR OUT CONTROL J I USB USB B type jack Pin 1 2 3 4 Signal +5V - Data + Data Ground 4 3 1 2 J CONTROL 9 8 2 3 7 4 6 5 D-sub 9pin plug Pin Signal 1 (No connection) 2 RD 3 TD 1 Pin Signal 4 (No connection) 5 Ground 6 (No connection) Pin Signal 7 RTS 8 CTS 9 (No connection) 5 RS-232C Communication RS-232C Communication 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 CONTROL port of the projector RS-232C cable (Cross) - (1) RD (2) TD (3) - (4) GND (5) - (6) RTS (7) CTS (8) - (9) (1) CD (2) RD (3) TD (4) DTR (5) GND (6) DSR (7) RTS (8) DTS (9) RI RS-232C port of the PC Connecting the cable 1. Connect the CONTROL port of the projector with a RS-232C port of the PC 2. in the previous page. Turn the PC on, and after the PC has started up turn the projector on. Turn off the projector and the PC. 3. Communications setting 19200bps, 8N1 1. Protocol Consist of header (7 bytes) + command data (6 bytes). Header BE + EF + 03 + 06 + 00 + CRC_low + CRC_high 3. Command data Command data chart byte_0 byte_1 Action low high Action (byte_0 - 1) Action 1 2 4 5 6 6 byte_2 byte_3 Type low high byte_4 byte_5 Setting code low high SET GET INCREMENT DECREMENT EXECUTE Content Change setting to desired value. Run a command. RS-232C Communication (continued) Requesting projector status (Get command) (1) Send the following request code from the PC to the projector. Header + Command data (`02H' + `00H' + type (2 bytes) + `00H' + `00H') (2) The projector returns the response code `1DH' + data (2 bytes) to the PC. Changing the projector settings (Set command) (1) Send the following setting code from the PC to the projector. Header + Command data (`01H' + `00H' + type (2 bytes) + setting code (2 bytes)) (2) The projector changes the setting based on the above setting code. [. . . ] HIGH Set Set BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 SVENSKA SUOMI POLSKI TÜRKÇE Get MENU POSITION H Get Increment Decrement MENU POSITION H Reset Execute BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF 13 RS-232C Communication (continued) Names MENU POSITION V Operation Type Get Increment Decrement MENU POSITION V Reset BLANK Execute Set My Screen ORIGINAL BLUE WHITE BLACK Get BLANK On/Off Set TURN OFF TURN ON Get START UP Set My Screen ORIGINAL TURN OFF Get My Screen LOCK Set TURN OFF TURN ON Get MESSAGE Set TURN OFF TURN ON Get AUTO SEARCH Set TURN OFF TURN ON Get AUTO OFF Get Increment Decrement AUTO ON Set TURN OFF TURN ON Get LAMP TIME LAMP TIME Reset FILTER TIME FILER TIME Reset AUTO KEYSTONE EXECUTE AUTO KEYSTONE Get Execute Get Execute Execute Set TURN OFF TURN ON Get BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF Header 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 Command Data Type Setting Code 16 30 16 30 16 30 44 70 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 30 20 30 20 30 20 30 04 30 04 30 04 30 04 30 C0 30 C0 30 C0 30 17 30 17 30 17 30 16 20 16 20 16 20 10 31 10 31 10 31 20 31 20 31 20 31 90 10 30 70 A0 10 40 70 0D 20 0F 20 0F 20 0F 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 40 00 03 00 05 00 06 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 CRC 40 D7 26 D7 F7 D6 A8 C7 FB CA FB E2 CB D3 6B D0 9B D0 08 D3 FB D8 6B D9 C8 D8 CB CB 0B D2 9B D3 38 D2 3B EF AB EE 08 EF 8F D6 1F D7 BC D6 B6 D6 26 D7 85 D6 08 86 6E 86 BF 87 3B 89 AB 88 08 89 C2 FF 58 DC C2 F0 98 C6 E5 D1 EA D1 7A D0 D9 D1 Action 02 00 04 00 05 00 06 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 02 00 01 00 01 00 02 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 02 00 01 00 01 00 02 00 01 00 01 00 02 00 01 00 01 00 02 00 02 00 04 00 05 00 01 00 01 00 02 00 02 00 06 00 02 00 06 00 06 00 01 00 01 00 02 00 14 RS-232C Communication (continued) Names MAGNIFY Operation Type Get Increment Decrement FREEZE Set NORMAL FREEZE Get BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF BE EF Header 03 03 03 03 03 03 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 06 00 Command Data Type Setting Code 07 30 07 30 07 30 02 30 02 30 02 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 CRC 7C D2 1A D2 CB D3 83 D2 13 D3 B0 D2 Action 02 00 04 00 05 00 01 00 01 00 02 00 15 Hitachi, Ltd. Consumer Business Group Shin-Otemachi Bldg 5f, 2-1, Otemachi 2-Chome, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 100-0004 Japan HITACHI EUROPE LTD. Consumer Affairs Department PO Box 3007 Maidenhead Berkshire SL6 8ZE UNITED KINGDOM Tel: 0870 405 4405 Email: consumer. mail@hitachi-eu. com HITACHI EUROPE S. A. 152 33 Chalandri Athens GREECE Tel: 1-6837200 Fax: 1-6835694 Email: dmgservice. gr@hitachi-eu. com HITACHI EUROPE GmbH Munich Office Dornacher Strasse 3 D-85622 Feldkirchen bei München GERMANY Tel: 089-991 80-0 Fax: 089 - 991 80 -224 Hotline: 0180 - 551 25 51 (12ct/min. ) Email: dmg-mun. service@hitachi-eu. com HITACHI EUROPE S. A. [. . . ]


DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter…
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