Bedienungsanleitung JUNO JGH 411S FG

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[. . . ] Wir bitten Sie daher, diese aufmerksam zu lesen, bevor das Gerät in Betrieb genommen wird. Should the lining up of the furniture door be necessary, use the clearance of slots. At the end of operations, it is necessary to check if the door of the furniture closes properly. PR168 Fix cover (D) on guide (B) until it clips into place. Sicherheit · Dieses Gerät wurde hergestellt, um von Erwachsenen benutzt zu werden. Es ist unbedingt darauf zu achten, daß Kinder es nicht anfassen oder es als Spielzeug verwenden. Es ist gefährlich, die Eigenschaften dieses Gerätes zu ändern. [. . . ] Warning This appliance contains hydrocarbons in its cooling unit; maintenance and recharging must therefore only be carried out by authorized technicians. Periods of non-operation When the appliance is not in use for long periods, take the following precautions: remove the plug from the wall socket; remove all food; defrost and clean the interior and all accessories; leave the door ajar to allow air to circulate to prevent unpleasant smells. · Periodic cleaning Clean the inside with warm water and bicarbonate of soda. Rinse and dry thoroughly. · · · Defrosting The freezer compartment, however, will become progressively covered with frost. This should be removed with the special plastic scraper provided, whenever the thickness of the frost exceeds 4 mm. During this operation it is not necessary to switch off the power supply or to remove the foodstuffs. However, when the ice becomes very thick on the inner liner, complete defrosting should be carried out and it is advisable to carry out this operation when the appliance is empty. To carry out complete defrosting of the freezer compartment proceed as follows: 1. pull out the plug from the wall socket or turn the thermostat knob to the «O» setting; 2. remove any stored food, wrap it in several layers of newspaper and put it in a cool place; 3. leave the door open, insert the plastic scraper in the appropriate seating at the bottom centre, placing a basin underneath to collect the defrost water; 4. when defrosting is completed, dry the interior thoroughly and refit the plug; keep the scraper for future use; 5. turn the thermostat knob back to the required Tips für Tiefkühlkost Um optimale Leistungen des Gerätes zu erhalten, sich vergewissern, · · · · daß die Tiefkühlkost beim Verkäufer gut aufbewahrt wurde daß der Transport vom Verkäufer zum Verbraucher in kurzer Zeit erfolgt. Die eventuell im Frosterfach liegenden Lebensmittel herausnehmen, sie in Zeitungspapier einwickeln und sehr kühl aufbewahren. Die Tür offen lassenund den Plastikschaber, der als Rinne dient, am vorgesehenen Platz einsetzen, sodaß das Abtauwasser in ein geeignetes, darunter gestelltes Gefäß fließen kann. Nach beendetem Abtauprozeß das Gefrierteil gut nachtrocknen. Plastikschraber für späteren Gebrauch aufbewahren. Den Thermostatknopf wieder in die gewünschte Stellung drehen bzw. Nachdem das Gerät für 2-3 Std. in Betrieb Ice-cube production This appliance is equipped with one or more trays for the production of ice-cubes. Fill these trays with water, then put them in the freezer compartment. Do not use metallic instruments to remove the trays from the freezer. D068 Storage of frozen food When first starting-up or after a period out of use, before putting the products in the compartment let the appliance run for at least two hours on the fast freeze setting, then turn the thermostat knob to the normal operating position. Important If there is a power failure when food is in the freezer, do not open the door of the freezer compartment. The frozen food will not be affected if the power cut is of short duration (up to 6-8 hours) and the freezer compartment is full, otherwise, it is recommended that the food should be used within a short time (a temperature increase of the frozen food shortens its safe storage period). genommen wurde, können tiefgefrorene Lebensmittel darin zurückgelegt Achtung: Benutzen Sie niemals Metallgegenstände, um die Reifschicht abzukratzen, damit eine Beschädigungen des Gerätes vermieden werden kann. [. . . ] Before any cleaning or maintenance work is carried out, be sure to switch off and unplug the appliance. Care should be taken when moving it Ice lollies can cause frost burns if consumed straight from the appliance. Take utmost care when handling your appliance so as not to cause any damages to the cooling unit with consequent possible fluid leakages. The appliance must not be located close to radiators or gas cookers. [. . . ]


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