Bedienungsanleitung JUNO JKU 6435, JKU 6035

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Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung JUNO JKU 6435, JKU 6035

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[. . . ] JKU 6035 GEBRAUCHSANWEISUNG OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS GEBRUIKSAANWIJZING Sehr geehrte Kundin, sehr geehrter Kunde, bevor Sie Ihr neues Kältegerät in Betrieb nehmen, lesen Sie bitte diese Gebrauchsanweisung aufmerksam durch. Sie enthält wichtige Informationen zum sicheren Gebrauch, zum Aufstellen und zur Pflege des Gerätes. Bewahren Sie bitte die Gebrauchsanweisung zum späteren Nachschlagen auf. Geben Sie sie an eventuelle Nachbesitzer des Gerätes weiter. 1 Mit dem Warndreieck und/oder durch Signalwörter (Warnung!, Vorsicht!, Achtung!) sind Hinweise hervorgehoben, die für Ihre Sicherheit oder für die Funktionsfähigkeit des Gerätes wichtig sind. [. . . ] Recommended settings: For normal use: position "1" to "2"; For lower temperatures: position "2" to "3". 0 Turn the temperature regulator to the desired setting with the aid of a coin. The compressor starts and then runs automatically. on hot summer days) and a cold setting on the temperature regulator (position "3" to "4") can cause the compressor to run continuously. Reason: when the ambient temperature is high, the compressor must run continuously to maintain the low temperature in the appliance. The fridge will not be able to defrost since automatic defrosting of the fridge is only possible when the compressor is not running (see also "Defrosting" section). The result is the build up of a thick layer of frost on the fridge rear wall. If this happens, turn the temperature regulator back to a warmer setting (position "2" to "3"). At this setting the compressor will be switched on and off as usual and automatic defrosting will recommence. 35 Switching off the appliance, holiday switch 0 To switch off the appliance, turn the temperature regulator to position "0". 0 If the door is to left open for an extended period, switch off the interior lighting by pulling out the oval light switch (holiday switch). 3 The light switch is pressed in again as soon as the door is closed. The next time the door is opened, the interior lighting is switched on by the light switch as normal. If the appliance is not going to be used for an extended period: 0 Switch off the appliance by turning the temperature regulator to position "0". 0 Remove the mains plug or switch off or turn out the circuit breaker or fuse. 0 Leave the door open to avoid the build up of odours. 36 Interior Accessories Storage shelves Your appliance is equipped with two full size and two half size glass storage shelves. The height of the storage shelves can be adjusted: 0 To do this pull the storage shelf forward until it can be swivelled upwards or downwards and removed. 0 Please do the same in reverse to insert the shelf at a different height. Storing tall items: 0 Slide the half size glass storage shelf in the upper or middle level to the rear. By this means you will gain space to place tall items on the storage shelf below. The small plastic storage shelf at the base of the rear wall of the fridge is also useful for storing items. 37 Vegetable basket and serving tray There is a vegetable basket in the base of the appliance, this is covered with a serving tray made from transparent plastic . Correct Storage For physical reasons, there are different temperature regions in the fridge. The coldest region is on the lowest storage shelf. Warmer regions are the top storage shelf, the vegetable basket and the storage compartments on the door. Tip: Food in the fridge should always be covered or packaged, to prevent drying and tainting of other food. The following are suited for packaging: ­ Polyethylene airtight bags and wraps; ­ Plastic containers with lids; ­ Special plastic covers with elastic; ­ aluminium foil. 38 Defrosting The fridge defrosts automatically The rear wall of the fridge covers with frost when the compressor is running, and defrosts when the compressor is off. The water from the thawing frost is collected in the drain channel on the rear of the fridge, feed through the drain hole into the collection compartment in the base, and then evaporated. Cleaning and Care For hygienic reasons the appliance interior, including interior accessories, should be cleaned regularly. [. . . ] Adressen en telefoonnummers staan in bijgevoegde boekje "Garantievoorwaarden/Klantendienst". Een gerichte onderdeelvoorbereiding kan onnodige moeite en kosten besparen. Vermeld daarom de volgende gegevens van het apparaat: · Modelnaam · Productnummer (PNC) · Productienummer (S-No. ) Deze gegevens staan op het merk- en type-aanduidingsplaatje aan de binnenkant van het apparaat. Aanbevolen wordt deze gegevens hier in te vullen om ze snel bij de hand te hebben. [. . . ]


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