Bedienungsanleitung LG WD-10300UP

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DieBedienungsAnleitung-Hilfe zum Download von LG WD-10300UP.

Mode d'emploi LG WD-10300UP
Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung LG WD-10300UP

Detaillierte Anleitungen zur Benutzung finden Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung.

[. . . ] Clothes are soaked more quickly and thoroughly during wash cycle. The detergent suds can be removed more easily by the water shower during rinse cycle. The water circulation system uses both water and detergent more efficiently. Tilted Drum and Extra Large Door Opening Tilted drum and extra large opening make it possible to load and unload clothing more easily. [. . . ] · Dial lamp will light up to indicate selected program. · When Start/Pause( ) button is pressed, the Cotton program is automatically selected. - By turning the Program dial, the program is selected in order of "Cotton ­ Cotton Quick ­ Synthetic ­ Delicate ­ Hand Wash/Wool ­ Quick 30 ­ Refresh ­ Allergy Care ­ Baby Care". For information regarding laundry type for each program, please refer to page 15. · To cancel the Time Delay function, the Power( ) button must be pressed. 2. Initial Program · When the Power( ) button is pressed, the washer is ready for Cotton program. And the other initial conditions as follows. · So, if you want to advance into the washing cycle without changing the program, just press Start/Pause( ) button and then the washer will proceed. I Initial program - Cotton Program / Rinse:Normal / 60°C/ 1200rpm 17 H ow to use washer Start/Pause Option Pre Wash Rinse + Spin Less Steam Eco Steam 1. Start · This Start/Pause button is used to start wash cycle or pause the wash cycle. Less Steam Normal 1200rpm ___ · By pressing the option button, only one option function may be selected. NOTE: Depending on the selected program cycle, not all Options may be selectable. 2. Pause · If temporary stop of wash cycle is needed, press "Start/Pause" button. · When in Pause, the power is turned off automatically after 4 minutes. 1. Turning the power off and operational errors will not affect child-lock. 19 H ow to use washer Spin 1200rpm 1000rpm 800rpm 400rpm No spin Less Steam Medic Rinse Water Temperature 95°C 60°C 40°C 30°C Cold 400rpm ___ ___ Normal 1200rpm 40°C · By pressing the Spin button, the spin speed can be chosen. · By pressing the Temp. button, the water temperature can be selected. - Cold - 30°C / 40°C / 60°C / 95°C · Water temperature can be selected as below according to the program. - Cotton Cold ­ 30°C ­ 40°C ­ 60°C ­ 95°C - Synthetic Cold ­ 30°C ­ 40°C ­ 60°C - Cotton Quick & Delicate & Hand Wash/Wool & Quick30 Cold ­ 30°C ­ 40°C - Baby Care 40°C ­ 60°C ­ 95°C The required temperature lamp will light up for identification. For the more detailed information, please refer to the page15. 1. Spin selection · Spin speed is available according to the program as follows. - Cotton & Cotton Quick & Quick30 No Spin ­ 400 ­ 800 ­ 1000 ­ 1200 - Allergy Care & Baby Care & Synthetic & Hand Wash/Wool No Spin ­ 400 ­ 800 ­ 1000 - Delicate No Spin ­ 400 ­ 800 2. No spin · If "No Spin" is selected, the washer stops after draining the water from the last spin. The matching indicator lamp will light up for identification. 20 H ow to use washer Detecting 1% Time Delay ___ Time Left Time Left 3:00 Detecting ___ Normal 1200rpm 60°C To increase the delay wash time press on the time delay button. ___ Normal 1200rpm 60°C · While the "Detecting" is shown in the display the machine rotates slowly and detects how many laundries are loaded in the drum. · Available in Cotton, Cotton Quick and Synthetic program. Time Left 6:00 To increase the delay wash time press on the time delay button. [. . . ] Clean the drain filter. · Load is too small. Add 1 or 2 similar items to help · Load is out of balance. · The appliance has an unbalance detection and Rearrange load to allow proper correction system. If individual heavy articles spinning are loaded (ex. [. . . ]


DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter…
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