Bedienungsanleitung MOFFAT MCP651BK 59P

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Mode d'emploi MOFFAT MCP651BK 59P

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   MOFFAT MCP651BK 59P (166 ko)

Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung MOFFAT MCP651BK 59P

Detaillierte Anleitungen zur Benutzung finden Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung.

[. . . ] · Additions or modifications to the appliance are not permitted. · Do not place or store flammable liquids, highly inflammable materials or fusible objects (e. g. plastic film, plastic, aluminium) on or near the appliance. Child safety · Small children must be kept away from the appliance. · Only let bigger children work on the appliance under supervision. General safety · The appliance may only be installed and connected by trained, registered service engineers, or competent persons. [. . . ] Bottom of pans and cooking zones should be the same size. 8 Examples of cooking applications The information given in the following table is for guidance only. Heat Cookseting ting process 0 Cook time suitable for Residual heat setting, Off position Tips/Hints 1 KeepKeeping cooked foods ing food warm warm Melting Hollandaise sauce, melting butter, chocolate, gelatine Fluffy omelettes, baked eggs Simmering rice and milk-based dishes Heating up readycooked meals as required Cover 5-25 mins. 10-40 mins. Stir occasionally 1-2 Solidifying Cook with lid on Add at least twice as much liquid as rice, stir milk dishes part way through cooking With vegetables add only a little liquid (a few tablespoons) Use only a little liquid, e. ¼ l water for 750 g of potatoes Up to 3 l liquid plus ingredients 2-3 Simmering 25-50 mins. 3-4 Steam- Steaming vegetables, ing fish Braising Braising meat 20-45 mins. Steaming potatoes 4-5 Boiling Cooking larger quantities of food, stews and soups Frying escalope, veal cordon bleu, cutlets, rissoles, sausages, liver, roux, eggs, pancakes, doughnuts 20-60 mins. 60-150 mins. 6-7 Gentle frying as required Turn halfway through cooking 9 Heat Cookseting ting process Heavy frying Boiling Searing Deep frying suitable for Cook time Tips/Hints 7-8 Hash browns, loin steaks, steaks, Flädle 5-15 mins. (pancakes for garnish- per pan ing soup) Turn halfway through cooking 9 Boiling large quantities of water, cooking pasta, searing meat (goulash, pot roast), deep frying chips 10 Cleaning and care 1 1 1 Take care!Important Sharp objects and abrasive cleaning materials will damage the appliance. Important Residues from cleaning agents will damage the appliance. Remove residues with water and washing up liquid. Cleaning the appliance after each use 1. Wipe the appliance with a damp cloth and a little washing up liquid. Rub the appliance dry using a clean cloth. Removing deposits 1. Place the scraper on the glass ceramic surface at an angle. Remove residues by sliding the blade over the surface. Wipe the appliance with a damp cloth and a little washing up liquid. Rub the appliance dry using a clean cloth. Remove Type of dirt sugar, food containing sugar plastics, tin foil limescale and water rings fat splashes shiny metallic discolouration imwhen the appliance medihas cooled down ately yes yes ----------yes yes yes using a scraper* cleaner for glass ceramic or stainless steel* *Scrapers and cleaners for glass ceramic and stainless steel can be purchased in specialist shops, supermarkets, the parts department of your local Service Force Centre or from www. shop. electrolux. co. uk 3 3 Remove stubborn residues with a cleaner for glass ceramic or stainless steel. Scratches or dark stains on the glass ceramic that cannot be removed do not however affect the functioning of the appliance. 11 What to do if . . . Problem The cooking zones are not functioning. Possible cause The desired heat setting is not set. Remedy Set the heat setting. The fuse in the house's Check the fuse. electrical wiring (fuse If the fuses trip a number of box) has been tripped. times, please call an authorised electrician. [. . . ] Before you move please contact your nearest Customer Care centre, listed below, to give them details of your new home. They will then ensure that the local Service Organisation is aware of your move and able to look after you and your appliances. France Germany Italy Sweden UK Senlis Nürnberg Pordernone Stockholm Luton +33 (0) 3 44 62 20 13 +49 (0) 800 234 7378 +39 (0) 800 11 7511 +46 (0) 20 78 77 50 +44 (0) 8705 950 950 18 Service and Spare Parts If the event of your appliance requiring service, or if you wish to purchase spare parts, please contact Service Force by telephoning: 0870 5 929 929 Your telephone call will be automatically routed to the Service Force Centre covering your post code area. For the address of your local Service Force Centre and further information about Service Force, please visit the website at www. [. . . ]


DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter…
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