Bedienungsanleitung NEFF B1452N0EU

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Mode d'emploi NEFF B1452N0EU
Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung NEFF B1452N0EU

Detaillierte Anleitungen zur Benutzung finden Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung.

[. . . ] de en fr Gebrauchsanleitung Instructions for use Mode d'emploi en fr de B 1452 . . de Seite 2 ­ 42 en page 44 ­ 76 fr page 77 ­ 109 Inhaltsverzeichnis Worauf Sie achten müssen . 28 Auftauen mit CircoTherm Heißluft . 35 Aus- und Einhängen der Backofentür . [. . . ] Set cake or cookies into a higher set of slide-in levels. Select a slightly higher oven temperature, and shorter baking time. Choose a slightly lower baking temperature. Note: Higher temperatures do not shorten baking times (done on the outside, raw on the inside). Choose a slightly longer baking time, allow the dough to rise slightly longer. Add less liquid to the dough. When baked with circotherm Avoid blocking the air vents at the rear wall of the circulation, cake baked in oven cavity with the cake tins. round or square tins gets too dark at the rear Very moist cake dough (e. g. fruit cake) causes a lot of steam to generate in the oven that condenses on the oven door. Very uneven browning when using circotherm circulation Cake collapses when taken out of the oven To save energy You can let the steam escape from the oven and thereby reduce the forming of water droplets by briefly and carefully opening the oven door (once or twice, in case of longer baking times more often). Use less liquid. Preheat only if expressly required by the recipe. Dark baking tins have a higher degree of heat absorption. Residual heat: In the case of longer baking times, you can switch off the oven 5-10 minutes before the full baking time has elapsed. 60 Roasting Place the wire shelf in the universal pan and slide both into the oven at the same shelf position. Meat can be roasted in the oven in a particularly economical fashion if the weight of the cut exceeds 750 grams. Rinse the universal pan and/or the roaster with water, and place the meat into it. With fat meat and poultry, pour 125 to 250 ml of water (to suit the size and kind of roast) into the universal pan. At your discretion, baste lean meat with fat, or cover it with bacon strips. The roast drippings collecting in the universal pan make a tasty gravy. Dissolve the drippings with hot water, bring to a boil, thicken with corn starch, season to taste and, if required, pass it through a strainer. Save energy by putting the roast into the oven while it is still cold. Roasting in an uncovered pot Roasting in a covered pot Place the meat into the roasting pot (or Dutch oven), cover it with a matching lid, and place it on the wire shelf in the oven. We recommend that beef roast be prepared in a covered roasting pot. Place the roasting sheet into the universal pan. The roasting sheet prevents soiling of the oven. [. . . ] une des fonctions commandées électroniquement tombe en panne?une fois allumé le dispositif d'aide au nettoyage, le témoin lumineux ne s'allume pas? Une brève panne de courant s'est produite. Impulsions électriques Réglez à nouveau les fonctions (dues par ex. Chaleur de la cuisinière Avant d'utiliser l'aide au nettoyage, encore trop élevée, du laisser d'abord la cuisinière refroidir fait par ex. ont été utilisés pendant assez longtemps. [. . . ]


DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter…
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