Bedienungsanleitung NEFF L1542N0

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Mode d'emploi NEFF L1542N0
Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung NEFF L1542N0

Detaillierte Anleitungen zur Benutzung finden Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung.

[. . . ] de Gebrauchs- und Montageanleitung en Operating and Fitting Instructions it Istruzioni per l'uso e l'installazione el µ de en it el L1542N0 de en it el Seite 03 ­ 11 page 12 ­ 20 pagina 21 ­ 29 30 ­ 38 Noch Fragen?Sie erreichen uns: Postfach 83 01 01 D-81701 München Fax: +49 (0) 89 / 45 90-35 32 Internet: www. neff. de Quellenstraße 2 A-1100 Wien Fax: +43 (0) 1/ 6 05 75-5 12 60 Internet: www. neff. at Per Telefon: 0, 12/min. DTAG Für Österreich: Tel: 08 10 / 70 04 00 zum Regionaltarif 2 Inhaltsverzeichnis Worauf Sie achten müssen . 8 Inhaltsverzeichnis Montageanleitung Für den Installateur und Küchenfachmann Wichtige Hinweise . [. . . ] They must have the same rated voltage (see nameplate). The switchbox must be installed before connecting up the built-in hob. Important: When connecting up the built-in hob to the switchbox, it is essential to follow the connecting diagram on the appliance and the installation instructions for the built-in hob. The green-yellow earth line of the built-in hob must be connected to the earthing screw of the built-in cooker. If the earth line is not properly connected, there is the danger of electric shock. Important: The built-in hob connectors must be plugged into the switchbox sockets with the same coloured markings. Furniture programmes Built-in cooker units from any kitchen range can be used for the switchbox. The veneers or plastic coating of the units in question must have been processed using heat-resistant adhesive (90° C). If plastic coating or adhesive is insufficiently temperatureresistant, the coating may deform or loosen. In line with the test regulations on heating, the appliance corresponds to Type Y. Connecting 19 Installating the switchbox WARNING The appliance may be installed with a high cabinet or a high wall only on one side of it. On the respective opposite side, the height of an adjacent piece of furnishing may not exceed the height of the working surface in which the hob is installed. The distance between the high wall on the side of the hob and the rear wall must comply with the assembly instructions for the built-in hob. Observe the protection class for heat exposure as stated in the assembly instructions The worktop must already have a cutout for the built-in hob (see built-in hob installation instructions). The switchbox must be installed before the hob. Installation 43 1. Cut an opening in the wooden front (max. (For cutout dimensions of worktop, see installation instructions for hob). 2. Prior to installation: Mark the centre of the cutout. Align the support with the notch and screw on flush with the front edge of the facia. 3. Insert appliance: Push the appliance in carefully so that no cables can become caught. 4. Check functioning. Important when disassembling: Deenergize the appliance. Undo the earthed conductor from the earthing screw. Remove hob or intermediate base and push out the switchbox from the back. 56 0 88 +2 525 +2 100 max. [. . . ] : µµ , µ µ , . O µµ , µ µ µ : µ E FD 35 !µ µ µ . : µ µ . [. . . ]


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