Bedienungsanleitung NORTHSTAR EXPLORER 650

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Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung NORTHSTAR EXPLORER 650

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[. . . ] Explorer 650 Kartenplotter und Fischfinder Installation und Bedienung www. northstarnav. com Inhalt !CAUTION WICHTIGE SICHERHEITSINFORMATIONEN Bitte, diese Anweisungen vor Installationsbeginn sorgfältig lesen. WARNING 1 Einführung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1-1 Übersicht . 10 1-4 Das Display-Gerät abnehmen und wieder ansetzen . [. . . ] 3 4 Die vorhergehenden Schritte wiederholen, um andere Datenfelder zu ändern. drücken. iii Vorhergehende Schritte wiederholen, um andere Anzeigen zu ändern. 5 Mit zur Instrumenten-Anzeige zurück kehren. 46 Northstar Explorer 650 Installation and Operation Manual Explorer 650 Installation and Operation Manual Northstar 47 12 Fuel functions and display The Fuel functions require optional fuel sensors to be installed. 12-2 Fuel display Fuel display without engine RPM To go to the Fuel display, press , select Other, then select Fuel. The display is different if engine RPM is available (requires SmartCraft to be installed): 12-1 When you add or remove fuel When you add or remove fuel in a boat with no SmartCraft fuel tank level sensors, you must tell the Explorer, otherwise REMAINING, RANGE and the low fuel alarm will be meaningless. A When you completely fill the tank 1 2 Fill the tank. Press one or more times until the Setup menu is displayed, then select Fuel. 1 Before adding fuel, go to the fuel display and write down the value of Remaining, which is the amount of fuel now in the tank. Add fuel to the tank, writing down how much you add. Add together the two figures you have written down, to calculate the amount of fuel now in the tank. Press one or more times until the Setup menu is displayed, then select Fuel. The Fuel display shows Used The total fuel used since this was last reset with the Clear Used command. Remaining The amount of fuel remaining in the tank. For twin engine installations, the fuel flow for each engine is shown separately. This is useful for checking that both engines are under the same load. Speed Fuel display with engine RPM If the Explorer has both GPS and paddlewheel speed available then you can select which to use. The choice affects the calculated Range and Economy (see section 17-5 Speed source). If the Explorer uses a paddlewheel sensor to measure speed, then the speed must be accurately calibrated (to calibrate the Explorer paddlewheel, see section 17-11). Consumption The fuel used per unit of distance travelled. The smaller this number, the better the fuel economy. Adjust the throttle and trim to achieve the lowest consumption. Economy Economy is the distance travelled per unit of fuel used. The Explorer calculates this from the boat speed and fuel used. The bigger this number, the better the fuel economy Range The estimated boat range at the current fuel flow. 2 3 4 3 Note: Underfloor fuel tanks are often difficult to refill to the same level twice, due to air pockets. [. . . ] Wegpunkt - Eine Position, die in die Karte gesetzt wird und zur Ansteuerung genutzt werden soll (siehe Abschn. 5). Navigations Daten Das Boot fährt vom Start- zu einem Zielort und ist dabei von der Sollkurslinie versetzt worden. BRG Peilung zum Zielort: Peilung vom Boot aus zum Zielort. BRG Peilung zum Cursor: Peilung vom Boot aus zur Cursor-Position (Cursor-Modus, siehe Abschn. [. . . ]


DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter…
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