Bedienungsanleitung PROFILO VCX1PT2000

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Mode d'emploi PROFILO VCX1PT2000
Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung PROFILO VCX1PT2000

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[. . . ] tr Kullanma kilavuzu Instructions for use Gebrauchsanweisung en de VCX1. . . . PT tr Amaca uygun kullanm . . 9 Çalµma sona erdikten sonra . . 12 Toz haznesinin boµaltlmas ve filtrenin temizlenmesi . . 13 Toz separatörünün ve mafsaln temizlenmesi . [. . . ] To remove it, turn the tube slightly and pull it out of the floor tool. *Dependent on model purchased 24 24 Setting up en * Connect the fixed tubes together *Dependent on model purchased * Unlock the telescopic tube to adjust its length by moving the sliding button in the direction of the arrow. *Dependent on model purchased Holding the power cord by the plug, pull out the required length and plug the plug into the mains socket. Press the on/off button in the direction of the arrow to switch your vacuum cleaner on/off. 25 Setting up en Adjust the suction by turning the on/off button in the direction of the arrow. Set the power setting to maximum for the best results when vacuuming. Vacuuming en Adjust the adjustable floor tool: Rugs and carpets => Hard floors/parquet => * Vacuuming with accessories Attach the nozzles to the tube or handle as required: a) Crevice nozzle for vacuuming crevices and corners, etc. b) Upholstery nozzle for vacuuming upholstered furniture, curtains, etc. a b 26 *Dependent on model purchased 26 Vacuuming en * Hard-floor brush* For vacuuming hard floors (parquet flooring, laminate flooring, wooden floorboards, stone floors, etc. ) *Dependent on model purchased * Pet hair upholstery nozzle For easy and thorough removal of pet hair (attach to handle or suction pipe as required). To clean the pet hair upholstery nozzle, simply vacuum using the handle. If it is very dirty, the pet hair upholstery nozzle can also be opened. To do this, turn the two screws on the sides of the nozzle (e. g. using a coin) and remove the inner part from the nozzle. After cleaning, replace the inner part (make sure it is correctly seated) and screw to the housing. *Dependent on model purchased 27 Vacuuming en You can use the parking aid on the back of the vacuum cleaner if you wish to stop vacuuming for a short time. Once you have switched off the vacuum cleaner, slide the catch on the floor tool into the groove at the rear of the appliance. To store or transport the vacuum cleaner, use the storage aid on the underside of the vacuum cleaner. Slide the catch on the floor tool into the groove on the underside of the appliance. CAUTION: !position. Do not operate in an upright/vertical The appliance can also be carried using the carrying handle when vacuuming steps, for example. 28 When the work is done en Unplug the vacuum cleaner. The cable then rewinds automatically. To remove the flexible hose, turn to release the catch and pull the hose out. Unlock the telescopic tube by moving the sliding button in the direction of the arrow and slide one tube into the other. 29 Emptying the dust container and cleaning the particle filter en To achieve optimum vacuuming results, the dust container should be emptied and all the filters should be cleaned after every vacuuming job and, at the latest, when the maximum fill level is reached. Emptying the dust container Use the release button to unlock the cylinder. The cylinder releases upwards. Remove the dust container from the vacuum cleaner using the handle. Press the button (PRESS) to release the dust container flap and empty the container into the rubbish bin. Close the dust container flap and click it into place at all 3 catches. KLK!KLK! 30 Emptying the dust container and cleaning the particle filter Cleaning the foam filter and fluff filter en Open the filter cartridge and take out the filter frame with the fluff filter and foam filter. Remove the fluff filter and foam filter from the filter frame and clean them by tapping out the dirt. If the filters are very dirty, they should both be rinsed out. 31 Emptying the dust container and cleaning the particle filter en Insert the foam filter into the fluff filter and clip into the filter frame. KLK! Insert the filter frame into the filter cartridge and click into place, in the direction of the arrow. Cleaning the motor protection filter Open the motor protection filter flap. Remove the micro filter and shake it clean. If the micro filter is very dirty, it should be rinsed out. A replacement micro filter may be ordered via the After Sales service. Replacement part number: 642879 The vacuum be !CAUTION:with the motorcleaner must onlyfoam operated protection filter, filter and fluff filter fitted. The filters must be completely dry before they are refitted in order to ensure that they function correctly and to prevent the formation of odours or bacteria (wait about 24 hours) 32 Emptying the dust container and cleaning the particle filter en KLK! Fit the dust container into the vacuum cleaner (make sure it is fitted correctly). Push the cylinder back into position, closing the vaccum cleaner (you will hear a positive click). !CAUTION: The cylinder can only be engaged if the dust container is fitted correctly. Cleaning the washable exhaust filter (made by Schwarzvlies) Open the exhaust filter cover. [. . . ] Markierung) müssen Motorschutzfilter, Filterschaum und Flusensieb gereinigt werden. Wie häufig sollte der waschbare Ausblasfilter gereinigt / ausgewaschen werden?Der waschbare Ausblasfilter sollte aus hygienischen Gründen regelmäßig durch Ausklopfen, muss jedoch mindestens einmal im Halbjahr ausgewaschen werden. Wie transportiere ich mein Gerät am komfortabelsten? [. . . ]


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