Bedienungsanleitung PROFILO VS1PE1600

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Mode d'emploi PROFILO VS1PE1600
Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung PROFILO VS1PE1600

Detaillierte Anleitungen zur Benutzung finden Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung.

[. . . ] tr Kullanma kilavuzu Instructions for use Gebrauchsanweisung en de VS1PE. . . 7 6* 8 5* 9 10 11* 4 3 2* 12 13 14* 15 1 16 21 20 19 18 A 17 Typ K B C D E 1* 2a b CLICK! 3* 4 5* a 5* b 6 7 8 9 10 a b c* 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 25 Cihaz açiklamasi 1 ayarlanabilir taban aparati 2 Emme borusu* 3 Filtre de gitirme göstergesi 4 Kapak kolu 5 Teleskop boru* 6 Teleskop boru kilitleme dü gmesi 7 Hortum sap 8 Emme hortumu 9 Kenar-köe aparati 10 Döeme aparati 11 Mobilya firçasi* 12 Taima sapi 13 Elektrik kablosu 14 Elektronik emme kuvveti ayarli Açik/Kapali dü gmesi* 15 Yardimci park elemani 16 Diari üfleme kafesi 17 Adet Micro hijyen filtresi 18 Yerletirme yardimcisi 19 Motor filtresi 20 Toz torbasi 21 Kapak * donanima göre Yedek parçalar ve Özel Aksesuarlar** A De gitirilebilir ka git filtre paketi VZ71PT0AFK** Yçindekiler: 7 Adet kilitleme tertibatli ka git filtre 1 Adet Micro hijyen filtresi B Tekstil filtresi (Sürekli filtre) VZ10PT0TFK** Dokuma kilitli (cirt cirtli) tekrar kullanilabilir filtre. C TURBO-UNIVERSAL®Döeme firçasi VZ46001** Mobilya döemeleri, döekler, otomobil koltu klarinin vs. firçalama ve süpürmesi tek ilem ile yapilir. Özellikle hayvan tüylerinin süpürülmesi için uyg undur. [. . . ] The manufacturer shall not be held liable for any damages which arise from use which is not as directed or has been caused by an incorrect operation of the vacuum cleaner. Therefore, please ensure that the following information is observed and heeded!The vacuum cleaner may only be operated using: original paper filters original spare parts, accessories or optional accessories. The vacuum cleaner is not suitable for: vacuuming persons or animals vacuuming: ­ small creatures (e. g. a) Corner nozzle To vacuum in corners and joins. b) Upholstery nozzle To vacuum upholstered furniture, curtains, mattresses etc. . c) Furniture brush* To vacuum window frames, cupboards, sections etc. . Illustration 11 When taking brief vacuuming pauses, you can use the parking aid on the back of the appliance. Push the hook on the floor nozzle in to the recess on the back of the appliance. Illustrations 12 + 13 When vacuuming, e. g. stairs, the appliance can also be carried using the two grips. Before using for the first time Illustration 1* Push the handle onto the flexible tube and until it engages. Starting up Illustration 2 a) Position the suction hose with the direction arrow pointing upwards - lock in to the suction opening. b) When removing the suction hose, press together both latches and pull out the hose. Illustration 3 Fit together the grip and the suction pipe. Illustration 4 Fit together the floor nozzle and the suction pipe. Illustration 5* a) Fit together the suction pipe. b) by moving the adjusting head to the direction of the arrow, releasing the telescopic pipe and setting to the required length. Illustration 6 Take the mains cable by the plug and pull out the desired length and then plug in to the mains socket. Illustration 7 Switch on / off the vacuum cleaner by pressing the on / off button in the direction of the arrow. Illustration 8 Set the level of suction by turning the on / off button in the direction of the arrow. After work Illustration 14 Pull out the mains plug. Pull briefly on the mains cable and then let go (the cable rolls up automatically). Illustration 15 To store / transport the appliance, you can use the storing aid on the underside of the appliance. Push the hook on the floor nozzle in to the recess on the underside of the appliance. Changing the filter Replace the dust bag Illustration 16 The filter change display on the lid turns yellow. [. . . ] Bild 7 Staubsauger durch Betätigen der Ein- / Austaste in Pfeilrichtung ein-/ ausschalten. Bild 8 Saugkrafteinstellung durch Drehen der Ein-/ Austaste in Pfeilrichtung. Nach der Arbeit Bild 14 Netzstecker ziehen. Kurz am Netzanschlusskabel ziehen und loslassen (Kabel rollt sich automatisch auf). Bild 15 Zum Abstellen /Transportieren des Gerätes können Sie die Abstellhilfe an der Geräteunterseite benutzen. [. . . ]


DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter…
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