Bedienungsanleitung RICOH IS 430

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Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung RICOH IS 430

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[. . . ] Ricoh Image Scanner IS430 User's Manual G406-8610 Printed in Japan Note to users in the United States of America This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. [. . . ] Confirm that the switch is set as shown in the illustration. If you want to turn the power off, push the power switch again. Power On Power Off ¡ Initializing the scanner Generally, you do not have to initialize the scanner. However, when you change the SCSI ID or DIP switch settings while the scanner is on, you do need to initialize the scanner. You can initialize the scanner not only by turning the power off and on but also by pushing the reset switch at the rear of the scanner. Push the reset switch using a tapered tool such as the tip of a mechanical pencil. Confirm that the four indiators light for a few seconds. This means the scanner is intializing. -8- Image Scanner User's Manual 3. Setting the document The condition of the scanner is indicated by a combination of the lit indicators on the scanner and the document feeder. Installation (amber) (green) (amber) (green) : On : Blinking : Off Scanner Green Amber Document feeder Green Amber Initializing/Checking Ready (No document is on the document feeder) Ready (Document is on the document feeder) Ready (Document feeder requires a document) Busy (No document is on the document feeder) Busy (Document is on the document feeder) Lamp cover open Lamp error Error Document feeder cover open Paper jam Paper misfeed Document table error System error Meaning If any of the above errors occur, see troubleshooting on page 16. -9- Indicators Image Scanner User's Manual 4. Placing originals You can scan your originals two ways. You can place them one at a time directly on the contact glass (book mode) or you can place all of them on the document feeder (document feeder mode). Placing originals on the contact glass is the only way to scan books, magazines and the like. You can also scan single sheets this way. Using the document feeder is ideal when you have many sheets to scan. Place your originals on the document table and they will be fed in and scanned automatically. Book mode Document feeder mode - 10 - Image Scanner User's Manual ¡ Placing an original on the contact glass Original condition Originals that meet the following specifications can be scanned. E Weight: Less than 10 kg per document (Letter or A4) E Thickness: Less than 10 mm (If document feeder is open, more than 10 mm is possible. ) E Written material: Pencil, toner, ink, ball point pen, anything that does not stick to the contact glass. Procedures 1. Open the document feeder. Caution: Don't press on the contact glass strongly, otherwise it might break. 2. Put the original face down on the contact glass. Place the upper left edge of the original at the document set origin. Close the document feeder slowly. Caution: Keep your fingers away from the hinge when closing the document feeder. Document set origin - 11 - Placing originals Image Scanner User's Manual ¡ Placing originals on the document table Original condition Originals that meet the following specifications can be handled by the document feeder. Caution: When an original needs to be scanned that does not meet the following specifications, place the original on the contact glass and scan in book mode, otherwise your original may be damaged. E Size: E E E E E E Length: 120 ` 432 mm Width: 69 ` 297 mm Weight: 11. 2 lb ` 34. 1 lb (42 g/m2 ` 128 g/m2) Stack: All originals must be the same width Height is less than 12 mm (Ex: 20lb paper~ 100, 24lb paper~ 85) Paper: Bond paper, PPC paper, or art/coating paper Thickness: 0. 07 ` 0. 16 mm Written material: Toner, pencil, marker ink, water sign pen, ball point pen or ink that does not adhere to the contact glass and the roller. Curl: Back curl: Less than 5 mm Face curl: Less than 10 mm E Others: If curled, flatten it within the above levels. No tears, wrinkles, perforations, and pastes. No projections such as a clip or staple. [. . . ] Thickening black lines: Thickens thin lines. Edge extraction: Extracts outlines of the image. For example, use filters at following cases. Noise elimination: Use this filter when scaninng a document which is copied several times. [. . . ]


DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter…
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