Bedienungsanleitung SAMSUNG DSR 9500

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Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung SAMSUNG DSR 9500

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[. . . ] DSR 9500AT Instructions for use D GB TU DSR 9500AT Gebrauchsanweisung . 1. 1 DIGITAL SATELLITE RECEIVER DIGITAL SATELLITE RECEIVER DSR 9500AT Gebrauchsanweisung D DIGITALER SATELLITENRECEIVER DSR 9500AT SICHERHEITSANWEISUNGEN Diese Set-Top-Box (STB) wurde entsprechend internationalen Sicherheitsnormen gefertigt. Lesen Sie die folgenden empfohlenen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen sorgfältig durch. ANSCHLUSSWERTE: AC 100-240V, 50/60Hz ÜBERLASTUNG: FLÜSSIGKEITEN: REINIGUNG: Überlasten Sie keine Wandsteckdosen, Verlängerungskabel oder Adapter. Anderenfalls besteht die Gefahr eines Brands oder elektrischen Schlags. [. . . ] Audio Mode You can choose a mode among left, right or stereo using the AUDIO key. To change the audio mode: Press the AUDIO key to select the left, right or stereo. Press the EXIT key to save and escape from this menu. GB-14 D I G I T A L S A T E L DSR 9500AT OPERATING THE RECEIVER Main Menu After installing your antenna system and STB with appropriate connectors. Plug in the AC main power and switch on the receiver. Press MENU key to bring up the main menu. The LED display will show "MENU". The following on screen display will appear: The sub menu topics will be displayed. For the sub-menus 1, 2 and 3 you need the PIN Code. You must follow the help message at the bottom of the screen! GB Before you begin with the "Installation" menu, you should check in the 4th menu "System Setup" whether all the information there is applicable for you. 1. Installation The menu provides settings for customizing, adding new services and displaying the status of the receiver. Select "Installation" in the main menu mode to select the sub menu. Enter the PIN Code. If you have not entered your own PIN Code then the PIN Code 0000 applies, which was set at the factory. L I T E R E C E I V E R GB-15 DSR 9500AT 1. 1 LNB Setting OPERATING THE RECEIVER You can select the satellite and LNB setting conditions to execute channel search and you can alter the settings for 22KHz tone. The parameters set in this menu are needed for programming the channels for the "Auto scanning" and "Manual scanning". The necessary information can be found at your antenna and LNB brochures, or you can ask your dealer. Select the DiSEqC Mode (Off, DiSEqC A, DiSEqC B, DiSEqC C, DiSEqC D, Tone Burst A, Tone Burst B) If you are using a Positioner, select this option. ("Yes" or "No") 22KHz: In case you are using a dual LNB or two antennas connected to a 22KHz tone switch box, with the 22 KHz tone switch ("On", "Off" or "Auto") you can switch between both LNB or antennas. 1. 2 Positioner Setting If you have a DiSEqC 1. 2 motorized system which is fully compatible with DiSEqC1. 2, then you can take advantage of the DiSEqC 1. 2 functions available. Select Satellite. Select any transponder from above satellites and check out the Frequency, Symbol Rate, FEC and Polarity. In case problems arise, ask your dealer. Select from Menu Mode: Enables control of basic positioner function recommended for beginners. General user uses "User" mode. This is used to search for the position of a satellite manually. "User" mode : "Installer" mode : GB-16 D I G I T A L S A T E L DSR 9500AT OPERATING THE RECEIVER 1. 2. 1 User Mode Select Driving Mode: You have an option to choose the positioner's movement type: Continuous, Step or Time. Position the antenna with north, south, east and west and use the / , / key to drive motor. key drives to west, key drives to east, key drives to north and key drives to south. If you finished driving of motor, select "Store current Position. " and press key, to reset new driving motor. The level indicated in the "Signal Status" is only for reference. The signal quality may be adequate even though the level indicated is not maximum. Note : GB Go to Stored Position. When the stored position is reached then screen displays "Stop", you can now continue with the further operations. Select the Calculate Sat Positions to recalculate the satellite position and key. 1. 2. 2 Installer Mode After checking the positioner's state, installer should use this menu. He should set the "Disable Limits" before using User mode. Select the Drive Motor West/East and use the / keys to drive motor. key drives to west and key drives to east. [. . . ] gibi farkl> seçeneklere ulaflabileceksiniz. , Not : Menü, her tak>lan CAM'a göre farkl>l>k gösterir. Modül henüz tak>lmad>ysa "Not Installed' (Tak>l> De¤il) yaz>s> gösterilir. CAM takarken, video ya da sesi bozabilirsiniz. Bu durum STB'nin bozuk oldu¤u anlam>na gelmez. TU Y D U A L I C I TU-29 DSR 9500AT ALICININ ÇALIfiTIRILMASI 6. CryptoWorks ´¸ 6. 1 Genel Kart Bilgileri G G G G G Card Label (Kart Etiketi) Ak>ll> kart>n etiketini görebilirsiniz. [. . . ]


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