Bedienungsanleitung SAMSUNG SF-6800P

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Mode d'emploi SAMSUNG SF-6800P

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   SAMSUNG SF-6800P (2037 ko)
   SAMSUNG SF-6800P OPEN SOURCE GUIDE (VER.1.01) (20 ko)

Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung SAMSUNG SF-6800P

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[. . . ] 6800-00Ch 15/11/99 11:54 Page 1 Laser Facsimile User's Guide SF-6800 6800-01Ch 15/11/99 11:59 Page 1 Trademarks · Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. · IBM is a trademark of International Business Machines. · Centronics is a trademark of Centronics Data Computer. · Other names and trademarks mentioned in this manual are trademarks of their respective holders. 6800-01Ch 15/11/99 11:59 Page 2 Contents Chapter 1 Getting Started Setting up your machine ________________________________ 1. 2 Unpacking ____________________________________________ 1. 2 Control locations and functions __________________________ 1. 3 Front view ___________________________________________ 1. 3 Rear view ___________________________________________ 1. 4 Inside _______________________________________________ 1. 4 Choosing a location ____________________________________ 1. 5 Setting up your machine ________________________________ 1. 5 Installing the toner cartridge ___________________________ 1. 5 Loading paper into the cassette _________________________ 1. 8 To load a stack of paper _____________________________ 1. 8 How to adjust paper guides __________________________ 1. 11 Manually feeding paper _____________________________ 1. 13 Guidelines for the paper _______________________________ 1. 14 Telephone line _______________________________________ 1. 15 Extension phone _____________________________________ 1. 15 AC power cord _______________________________________ 1. 16 Document tray _______________________________________ 1. 16 Document exit tray ___________________________________ 1. 17 Printer exit tray ______________________________________ 1. 17 System setup __________________________________________ 1. 18 Ringer volume _______________________________________ 1. 18 Home resolution and home contrast _____________________ 1. 18 Sound control ________________________________________ 1. 20 Remote diagnosis protection ___________________________ 1. 20 Select language _______________________________________ 1. 21 Econo mode setting ___________________________________ 1. 21 Adjusting speaker volume _______________________________ 1. 22 Setting the date and time ________________________________ 1. 22 Setting the system ID (Your number and name) ________________ 1. 23 i 6800-01Ch 15/11/99 12:00 Page 3 1 Getting Started Chapter 2 Operation Using the control panel _________________________________ 2. 2 Using the number keypad _______________________________ 2. 4 Entering alphanumeric characters _______________________ 2. 4 Entering numbers _____________________________________ 2. 6 Editing numbers or names _____________________________ 2. 6 Inserting pause _______________________________________ 2. 6 Sending a fax ___________________________________________ 2. 7 Preparing documents for faxing or copying ________________ 2. 7 Setting document resolution and contrast _________________ 2. 8 Resolution ___________________________________________ 2. 8 Contrast _____________________________________________ 2. 8 Loading document _____________________________________ 2. 9 Sending a fax automatically _____________________________ 2. 10 Canceling transmission ________________________________ 2. 10 Confirming transmission ______________________________ 2. 10 Automatic redial ______________________________________ 2. 11 Voice request __________________________________________ 2. 11 Sending a voice request _______________________________ 2. 11 Answering a voice request _____________________________ 2. 11 Delayed transmission ___________________________________ 2. 12 Memory transmission (Broadcasting) ________________________ 2. 14 Priority transmission ___________________________________ 2. 15 Adding documents to a standby operation ________________ 2. 16 Canceling a standby operation ___________________________ 2. 16 Receiving a fax _________________________________________ 2. 17 Receiving modes _______________________________________ 2. 17 Receiving automatically in FAX mode ____________________ 2. 18 Receiving automatically in TEL/FAX mode _______________ 2. 18 Receiving automatically in ANS/FAX mode _______________ 2. 19 Receiving manually in TEL mode ________________________ 2. 19 Receiving a fax when the machine is out of paper ________ 2. 20 Distinctive ring pattern detection (DRPD) _______________ 2. 20 2 Operation 3 Troubleshooting Appendix ii 6800-01Ch 15/11/99 12:00 Page 4 Chapter 2 Operation (Continued) Mail box ______________________________________________ 2. 21 Confidential transmission _____________________________ 2. 21 Setting up mail box for confidential receiving ____________ 2. 23 Printing received confidential document ________________ 2. 24 Polling ________________________________________________ 2. 25 What is polling? [. . . ] This is useful for sending unattended faxes. The person who wants to receive the document calls the machine holding the original and requests that the document be sent. In other words, it "polls" the machine holding the original document. Note: The remote machine must also support polling to use this feature. Being polled by a remote machine (TX poll) 2 You can program your fax machine to send documents when polled by a remote fax machine. It is possible to assign a poll code to prevent unauthorized polling of your fax machine. When you secure your machine using a poll code, only those who know the code can poll your machine. Place the document face down in the automatic document feeder. If desired, adjust the resolution and contrast. Press Menu, then press Polling on the one-touch keypad. The display prompts you to choose on of the two polling options: 1. TX POLL and 2. DELAY RX POLL. Press Start/Enter to confirm `1. TX POLL. ' The display prompts you to enter a 4-digit poll code. Note: The poll code is preset to 0000 at the factory. If you want to use a poll code, enter a 4-digit code. Or If you do not want to secure the transmission with a poll code, press Start/Enter when the display shows 0000 for TX-POLL CODE. If you previously entered a poll code, and do not want one, you may enter 0000 and then press Start/Enter. Operation Receiving a fax 2. 25 6800-04Ch 15/11/99 14:36 Page 8 6. The display prompts you to store the document in the machine bulletin board memory. Note: If you store the document in the bulletin board memory, more than one remote station can poll that document from your machine. If not, the file will be automatically erased after being polled by a remote machine. To store the document in the bulletin board memory, press Start/Enter. Or If you do not want the document to be stored in bulletin board memory, press Stop. The machine stores the document in memory. The display shows a count of the number of pages being stored in memory and the remaining memory capacity. [. . . ] The laser system and printer are designed so there is never any human access to laser radiation above a class I level during normal operation, user maintenance, or prescribed service condition. WARNING Never operate or service the printer with the protective cover removed from the Laser/Scanner assembly. The reflected beam, although invisible, can damage your eyes. CAUTION - INVISIBLE LASER RADIATION WHEN THIS COVER IS OPEN. DO NOT OPEN THIS COVER VORSICHT - UNSICHTBARE LASERSTRAHLUNG, WENN ABDECKUNG GEÖFFNET. ATTENTION - RAYONNEMENT LASER INVISIBLE EN CAS D'OUVERTURE. [. . . ]


DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter…
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