Bedienungsanleitung THOMSON SPEEDTOUCH 608 WL

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Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung THOMSON SPEEDTOUCH 608 WL

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[. . . ] SpeedTouchTM 605/608/608 WL/620 (Wireless) Business DSL Routers User's Guide er Ethe rn Pow et N W LA Plug -in ISDN Inte rnet SpeedTouchTM 605/608 608 WL/620 User's Guide Copyright Copyright ©1999-2005 THOMSON. Distribution and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents is not permitted without written authorization from THOMSON. The content of this document is furnished for informational use only, may be subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by THOMSON. THOMSON assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this document. [. . . ] Only upload files if these are: configuration files (. ini) you backed up yourself from this SpeedTouchTM. template files (. tpl) that are known to be valid for your SpeedTouchTM (e. g. stemming from the SpeedTouchTM Setup CD delivered with your SpeedTouchTM). language packs (. lng) that match your SpeedTouchTM's Board name and Software release. ! 110 E-DOC-CTC-20051017-0151 v1. 0 Chapter 5 Expert Configuration To upload system files: 1 2 Click Browse to specify the file on your local drive you wish to upload. Click Upload to upload the system file to your SpeedTouchTM. ! Manage configuration files Each file requires an amount of memory. Make sure to limit the number of files to the minimum. This table allows you to view configuration files that are currently stored on your SpeedTouchTM. Following configuration files are listed: Active Configuration; showing details on the configuration that is currently running on your SpeedTouchTM. Backup Configuration; listing configuration backups stored on your SpeedTouchTM. Wizard template, listing configuration wizard templates that are currently available for the embedded Easy Setup. To view the configuration of, backup, or delete a configuration file: 1 2 Select the configuration file. A Details pane shows some extra information on the selected configuration file. Click: Backup to store the file on a location on your local disk. Delete to remove the file from your SpeedTouchTM. Some configuration files may be required for the SpeedTouchTM's system integrity. These files are protected and cannot be deleted from your SpeedTouchTM. ! Cancel to return to the configuration file overview. Manage language packs Your SpeedTouchTM is able to display its web interface, embedded Easy Setup and this Help in various languages. Use the Language bar to change the language in which the SpeedTouchTM web interface, Easy Setup and this Help is displayed. For more information, see "4. 1. 2 Language Bar" on page 38. Although all language pack files stored on your SpeedTouchTM are listed, only language pack files that match with the board name and the software version of your SpeedTouchTM can be actually used. (See " System" on page 105 for more information to identify your SpeedTouchTM). ! E-DOC-CTC-20051017-0151 v1. 0 111 Chapter 5 Expert Configuration System Upgrade The System Upgrade section allows you to manage your SpeedTouchTM's system software and upload or apply a new system software. For extended management reasons and roll-back scenarios your SpeedTouchTM provides storage room for two system software packages: the active system software the SpeedTouchTM is currently running and the passive one. The System software properties table provides information on the active software: A link is provided to check for the latest available system software (based on the information provided in the System software properties table and your SpeedTouchTM's serial number. The Software Versions table allows you to overview the currently stored active and passive system software and to: Upload system software. [. . . ] Make sure that UPnPTM is not disabled in the SpeedTouchTM Web page; see "4. 5. 2 Game & Application Sharing" on page 59. Adding UPnPTM If you are running Microsoft Windows XP, it is recommended to add the UPnPTM component to your system. Proceed as follows: 1 2 3 4 In the Start menu, click (Settings >) Control Panel. The Add or Remove Programs window appears. In the Windows Components Wizard, select Networking Services in the Components list and click Details. 5 In the Networking Services window, select Universal Plug and Play or UPnP User Interface and click OK. 6 7 Click Next to start the installation and follow the instructions in the Windows Components Wizard. [. . . ]


DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter…
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