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Mode d'emploi TRENDNET TK-1603R

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   TRENDNET TK-1603R DATA SHEET (217 ko)
   TRENDNET TK-1603R DATA SHEET (210 ko)

Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung TRENDNET TK-1603RQUICK INSTALLATION GUIDE

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[. . . ] USB-Maus mit dem Konsolen-Port des KVM-Umschalters. Schalten Sie alle Computer und Peripheriegerte aus und trennen Sie alle Stromversorgungskabel ab. Montage in Gestell ENGLISH FRANAIS Der Umschalter lsst sich in ein standardmiges 19-Zoll EIA-Gestell einbauen, das seinerseits gemeinsam mit anderen Gerten in einen Kabelschrank montiert werden kann. Hinweis: Wenn Sie den KVM-Umschalter auf ein EIA-19"-Gestell montieren wollen, befestigen Sie die beiliegenden Montageklammern mit den Schrauben an den Seiten des KVM-Umschalters und bringen Sie den Umschalter dann mit Hilfe der Ausrstungen des Gestellproduzenten am Gestell an. DEUTSCH 1. Bringen Sie die Befestigungsbgel mit den mitgelieferten Schrauben an beiden Seiten des Umschalters an. ESPAOL 2. [. . . ] It is recommended that you use the included external AC adapter with the TK-803R/TK-1603R KVM switch. I have the KVM switch connected properly, but my USB keyboard and mouse don't work. Make sure your USB port is working properly by testing it with your other USB devices. Once you confirm that the USB port is functional, please reboot your computers, and try to use the KVM switch again. If your computer is running Windows 98SE, you may need to download and install the USB hot fix. Please go to this link for download and installation instructions: http://support. microsoft. com/kb/q240075. Once the hot fix is installed, follow the installation instructions in Section 2. Can I connect or disconnect the KVM cables while the computers are turned on?Yes, you can connect or disconnect the KVM cables while the computers are turned on, because the interface is Hot-Pluggable. Will the KVM switch restore the keyboard settings when switching between computers?Yes, the KVM switch will restore the keyboard settings when switching between computers. (i. e. : Caps Lock, Num Lock, etc. ) How do I switch from one computer to another with the KVM switch?You can switch PCs by pressing the push button on the KVM switch or by using the Hot Key commands. Go to Section 3 Operation for more information. How to upgrade new firmware to my KVM switch?Please go to the TRENDnet website (www. trendnet. com) to check if there is a new firmware available for your KVM switch and follow the installation procedure to perform the update. If you still encounter problems or have any questions regarding the TK-803R/TK-1603R please contact TRENDnet's Technical Support Department. 8 Limited Warranty TRENDnet warrants its products against defects in material and workmanship, under normal use and service, for the following lengths of time from the date of purchase. TK-803R/TK-1603R - 2 Years Limited Warranty AC/DC Power Adapter, Cooling Fan and Power Supply carry a 1 year limited warranty If a product does not operate as warranted during the applicable warranty period, TRENDnet shall reserve the right, at its expense, to repair or replace the defective product or part and deliver an equivalent product or part to the customer. The repair/replacement unit's warranty continues from the original date of purchase. All products that are replaced become the property of TRENDnet. [. . . ] Products that are sent to TRENDnet for RMA service must have the RMA number marked on the outside of return packages and sent to TRENDnet prepaid, insured and packaged appropriately for safe shipment. Customers shipping from outside of the USA and Canada are responsible for return shipping fees. Customers shipping from outside of the USA are responsible for custom charges, including but not limited to, duty, tax, and other fees. 9 WARRANTIES EXCLUSIVE: IF THE TRENDNET PRODUCT DOES NOT OPERATE AS WARRANTED ABOVE, THE CUSTOMER'S SOLE REMEDY SHALL BE, AT TRENDNET'S OPTION, REPAIR OR REPLACE. THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES AND REMEDIES ARE EXCLUSIVE AND ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EITHER IN FACT OR BY OPERATION OF LAW, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. [. . . ]


DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter…
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