Bedienungsanleitung YAMAHA RX-496RDS

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Mode d'emploi YAMAHA RX-496RDS

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Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung YAMAHA RX-496RDS

Detaillierte Anleitungen zur Benutzung finden Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung.

[. . . ] GB RX-V496RDS Natural Sound AV Receiver Ampli-tuner audio-vidéo OWNER'S MANUAL MODE D'EMPLOI BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG BRUKSANVISNING MANUALE DI ISTRUZIONI MANUAL DE INSTRUCCIONES GEBRUIKSAANWIJZING CAUTION: READ THIS BEFORE OPERATING YOUR UNIT. 1. To assure the finest performance, please read this manual carefully. Keep it in a safe place for future reference. Install this unit in a cool, dry, clean place -- away from windows, heat sources, sources of excessive vibration, dust, moisture and cold. [. . . ] RDS data contains various information such as PI (Program Identification), PS (Program Service name), PTY (Program Type), RT (Radio Text), CT (Clock Time), EON (Enhanced Other Networks), etc. The RDS function is carried out among the network stations. Changing the RDS Mode The four modes are available in this unit for displaying RDS data. When an RDS station is being received, PS, PTY, RT and/or CT that correspond to the RDS data services offered by the station light up on the display. Press RDS MODE/ FREQ repeatedly to change the display mode among the RDS data offered by the transmitting station in the order shown below. Illumination of the red indicator next to the RDS mode indicator shows that the corresponding RDS mode is now selected. Description of RDS Data This unit can receive PI, PS, PTY, RT, CT, and EON data when receiving RDS broadcasting stations. Notes · When an RDS station is being received, do not press RDS MODE/FREQ until one or more RDS mode indicators light up on the display. If you press the button before the indicators light up on the display, the mode cannot be changed. This is because the unit has not yet received all of the RDS data on the station. · RDS data not offered by the station cannot be selected. · The RDS data service cannot be utilized by this unit if the received signal is not strong enough. In particular, the RT mode requires a large amount of data to be received, so it is possible that the RT mode may not be displayed even if other RDS modes (PS, PTY, etc. ) are displayed. · RDS data cannot sometimes be receive under poor reception conditions. If so, press TUNING MODE so that the "AUTO" indicator goes off from the display. Although the reception mode is changed to monaural by this operation, when you change the display to RDS mode, RDS data may be displayed. · If the signal strength is weakened by external interference during the reception of an RDS station, the RDS data service may be cut off suddenly and ". . . WAIT" will appear on the display. PS mode s PS (Program Service name) mode: The name of the RDS station being received is displayed. s PTY (Program Type) mode: The program type on the RDS station being received is displayed. There are 15 program types to classify RDS stations. You can make this unit search for a station which is broadcasting a program of the desired type. Refer to page 33 for details. s RT (Radio Text) mode: Information about the program (such as the title of the song, name of the singer, etc. ) on the RDS station being received is displayed by a maximum of 64 alphanumeric characters, including the umlaut symbol. If other characters are used for RT data, they are displayed with under-bars. s CT (Clock Time) mode: The current time is displayed and updated every minute. If the data are accidentally cut off, "CT WAIT" may appear. PTY mode s EON (Enhanced Other Networks): Refer to page 34. RT mode CT mode Frequency display mode 32 RECEIVING RDS STATIONS PTY SEEK Function If you select the desired program type, the unit automatically searches all preset RDS stations that are broadcasting a program of the required type. s To cancel this function Press PTY SEEK MODE twice. s Program types in the PTY mode There are 15 program types to classify RDS stations. NEWS AFFAIRS INFO SPORT EDUCATE DRAMA CULTURE SCIENCE VARIED POP M ROCK M M. O. R. M LIGHT M CLASSICS OTHER M News Current affairs General information Sports Education Drama Culture Science Light entertainment Pops Rock Middle-of-the-road music (easy-listening) Light classics Serious classics Other music INTRODUCTION ­ + ­ + L R 2 13 PREPARATION 1 Press PTY SEEK MODE to set the unit in the PTY SEEK mode. The program type of the station being received or "NEWS" flashes on the display. BASIC OPERATION Flashes 2 Press PRESET/TUNING h or l to select the desired program type. The selected program type appears on the display. ADVANCED OPERATION 3 Press PTY SEEK START to begin searching all preset RDS stations. [. . . ] 8 STANDBY/ON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ADVANCED OPERATION E External decoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 F Front panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 I IMPEDANCE SELECTOR switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [. . . ]


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