Bedienungsanleitung ZANUSSI TC7224

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Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung ZANUSSI TC7224

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[. . . ] Care should be taken when · · · · · moving it. It is dangerous to alter the specifications or attempt to modify this product in any way. Any electrical work required to install this appliance should be carried out by a qualified electrician or competent person. Care must be taken to ensure that the appliance does not stand on the electrical supply cable. [. . . ] The drum turns alternately in both directions during drying. All drying programmes end with a 10 minute cooling phase (position on selector dial). The machine stops automatically at the end of this phase. Release the ON/OFF button (the mains-ON light goes out) and immediately remove the laundry. 7 125992074. qxp 2005-07-04 14:19 Page 8 Hints & Tips on Drying Before placing articles of laundry in your tumble dryer, check the care labels to ensure they are recommended for tumble drying. Care Labels you may find on your laundry may be tumble dried normal drying (high temperature) delicate drying (low temperature) do not tumble dry Do not overload the appliance. Here is a list of the approximate weight of some common laundry items. Sheet 700 to 1000 g Pillowcase 100 to 200 g Tablecloth 400 to 500 g Table Napkin 50 to 100 g Kitchen Towel 70 to 120 g Linen Hand Towel 100 to 150 g Hand Towel 150 to 250 g Bath Towel 700 to 1000 g Bathrobe 1000 to 1500 g Shirt 200 to 300 g Apron 150 to 200 g · Always load well spun laundry. The higher the spin speed the lower the electricity consumption and the shorter the drying time. · DO NOT load dripping wet laundry into the dryer. Roll the article in a towel or spin to remove excess water. · Close poppers and zips and fasten any buttons. Before contacting your local Service Centre, please carry out the checks listed below. IMPORTANT: if you call out an engineer to a fault listed below, or to repair a fault caused by incorrect use or installation, a charge will be made even if the appliance is under guarantee. Symptom The tumble dryer does not start Possible causes · The door(s) has(have) not been closed. · The plug is not properly inserted in the power socket. · There is no current at the socket. · The main fuse or the fuse in the plug has blown. · The selector dial is not set correctly. · The water reservoir is full or not properly inserted (the pilot light is on ). · The Start Button has not been depressed. Drying takes too long or laundry is not dry enough. · The laundry has not been spun properly. · The filters and/or the condenser are clogged up. · The room temperature is too high. · The selected time or sector was not suitable for the laundry. [. . . ] This will be a chargeable option. Positioning It is recommended that, for your convenience, the machine is positioned close to your washing machine. The tumble dryer must be installed in a clean place, where dirt does not build up. Air must be able to circulate freely all round the appliance. Do not obstruct the front ventilation grille or the air intake grilles at the back of the machine. [. . . ]


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