Bedienungsanleitung AEG-ELECTROLUX 65852G-M

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[. . . ] And please pass it to any future owner of the appliance. We wish you much joy with your new appliance. CONTENTS SAFETY INFORMATION Disposal of the appliance INSTALLATION Important safety requirements Gas Connection Injectors replacement Adjustment of minimum level Electrical connection Replacement of the connection cable PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Control knobs OPERATION Ignition of the burner Using the Wok Stand 2 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 9 10 11 11 11 12 Turning the burner off HELPFUL HINTS AND TIPS Energy savings CARE AND CLEANING Cleaning of the spark plug Periodic maintenance WHAT TO DO IF… Labels supplied with the accessories bag TECHNICAL DATA ENVIRONMENT CONCERNS Packaging material 12 13 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 17 18 Subject to change without notice SAFETY INFORMATION WARNING!These instructions are only valid in the countries whose symbols appear on this booklet's cover. For your safety and correct operation of the appliance, read this manual carefully before installation and use. [. . . ] For appliances installed in the Republic of Ireland please refer to NSAI- Domestic Gas Installation I. S. 813 Current Editions and the ETCI Rules for Electrical Installations. Provision for ventilation Detailed recommendations are contained in the following British Standards Codes Of Practice: B. S. The hob should not be installed in a bed sitting room with a volume of less than 20 m³. If it is installed in a room of volume less than 5 m³ an air vent of effective area of 100 cm² is required. If it is installed in a room of volume between 5 m³ and 10 m³ an air vent of effective area of 50 cm² is required, while if the volume exceeds 11 m³ no air vent is required. However, if the room has a door which opens directly to the outside no air vent is required even if the volume is between 5 m³ and 11 m³. If there are other fuel burning appliances in the same room, B. S. 5440 Part 2 Current Edition, should be consulted to determine the requisite air vent requirements. For appliances installed in the Republic of Ireland please refer to the NSAI- Domestic Gas Installation I. S. 813 Current Editions Table Four. Location The hob may be located in a kitchen, a kitchen/diner or bed sitting room (with a volume greater than 20 m³), but not in a bathroom or shower room. The minimum distance combustible material can be fitted above the hob in line with the edges of the hob is 400 mm. With a thin screwdriver, adjust the bypass screw position. If you change from natural gas 20 mbar to liquid gas, fully tighten the adjustment screw in. If you change from liquid gas to natural gas 20 mbar, undo the by-pass screw approximately 1/4 of a turn (1/2 of a turn for Triple Crown burner). 1 1 Minimum adjustment screw 5. Make sure the flame does not go out when you quickly turn the knob from the maximum position to the minimum position. Electrical connection • Any electrical work required to install this hob should be carried out by a qualified electrician or competent person, in accordance with the current regulations. • Always use a correctly installed shockproof socket. • Make sure that there is an access to the mains plug after installation. • Do not pull the mains cable to disconnect the appliance. • The appliance must not be connected with an extension cable, an adapter or a multiple connection (risk of fire). Check that the ground connection is in conformity with the standard and regulations force. • The power cable must be placed in such a way that it does not touch any hot part. • Connect the appliance to the mains with a device that lets to disconnect the appliance from the mains at all poles with a contact opening width of minimum 3 mm, eg. [. . . ] – Stop the appliance and let it cool down before you clean: limescale rings, water rings, fat stains, shiny metallic discolorations. Use a special cleaner applicable for surface of hob. Clean the appliance with a damp cloth and some detergent. At the end rub the appliance dry with a clean cloth. [. . . ]


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