Bedienungsanleitung AEG-ELECTROLUX CB280GL4

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Mode d'emploi AEG-ELECTROLUX CB280GL4
Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung AEG-ELECTROLUX CB280GL4

Detaillierte Anleitungen zur Benutzung finden Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung.

[. . . ] Folgende Symbole werden im Text verwendet: 1 3 2 Sicherheitshinweise Warnung: Hinweise die Ihrer persönlichen Sicherheit dienen. Achtung: Hinweise die zur Vermeidung von Schäden am Gerät dienen. Hinweise und praktische Tipps Umweltinformationen 1. Diese Ziffern leiten Sie Schritt für Schritt beim Bedienen des Gerätes. [. . . ] Shelf Positions · You can bake on up to 3 levels simultaneously using fan cooking U: 1 Baking Sheet: Shelf Position 3 1 Cake Tin: Shelf Position 1 2 Baking Sheets: Shelf Positions 1 and 4 3 Baking Sheets: Shelf Positions 1, 3 and 5 24 General information · Please note that the shelf positions are counted from bottom to top. · Always place cakes in cake tins in the middle of the shelf. Notes on the Baking Tables In the tables you will find information on temperatures, cooking times and shelf positions for a selection of recipes. · Ranges are given for the temperature and cooking time since these are dependent on the mixture, quantity and cake tin used. · When baking several cakes on baking sheets or in cake tins, the cooking time can be 10-15 minutes longer. pizzas & baking, fruit cakes, etc. ) should be cooked on a maximum of two levels. · When using for the first time, we recommend setting the lower temperature. If increased browning is required or the cooking time is too long, select a higher temperature. · If you cannot find any specific information for one of your own recipes, use information on a similar recipe for guidance. · Variations in the height of the item to be baked can lead to different degrees of browning at the start of baking. In this case, please do not change the temperature setting. · Tip: If you use dishes for roasting (particularly for small amounts), the oven will not get so dirty!Shelf Positions · Please see the following table for the shelf positions to use. Notes on the Roasting Tables Information is given in the table on suitable oven functions, temperature settings, cooking times and shelf positions for various types of meat. The cooking times are only for guidance. · We recommend roasting meat and fish in the oven from a weight of 1 kg. · The cooking time required is dependent on the type and quality of the meat. · If you are just roasting meat without cooking any other type of food in the oven at the same time we recommend the rotitherm I oven function. · If you wish to roast meat and cook other dishes at the same time, use the fan cooking U function. 29 · To stop juices that exude from the meat burning onto dishes, we recommend adding a little liquid in the roasting dish. 2/3 of the cooking time. 2 Switch off the oven 10-15 minutes before the end of the cooking time to make use of the residual heat. 30 Table: Meat, roasting, casseroles Meat Fan Cooking U Rotitherm I Time Shelf Shelf TemperaTemperaposition Position ture ture2 from from ºC ºC down down Pork Shoulder; leg; rolled; boned spare rib; loin of pork Beef Inexpensive cuts Prime cuts -rare 2 170-1801 3 or 2 150-1601 2 160-170 - hrs. : min. 2 170-180 2 150-160 0:30-0:35 per 450 g/1 lb plus 30-35 mins 0:35-0:40 per 450 g/1 lb plus 15-20 mins 0:15-0:20 per 450 g/1 lb plus 15-20 mins Shelf Shelf TemperaTemperaposition Position ture ture2 from from ºC ºC down down -medium 2 170-180 3 or 2 150-160 hrs. [. . . ] Obere Glasscheibe schräg von oben in das Türprofil an der Griffseite einführen. Scheibe gegen die Federkraft an der Griffseite vor das Halteprofil an der Türunterkante legen und unter das Halteprofil schieben. Die Glasscheibe muss festsitzen! Backofentür wieder einhängen 43 Was tun, wenn . . . Störung Der Backofen heizt nicht auf. Mögliche Ursache Abhilfe Der Backofen ist nicht eingeBackofen einschalten. [. . . ]


DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter…
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