Bedienungsanleitung AEG-ELECTROLUX D4101-4-ME

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Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung AEG-ELECTROLUX D4101-4-ME

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[. . . ] Never line any part of the appliance with foil. Always stand back from the appliance when opening the doors to allow any build up of steam or heat to release. Do not stand too close to the oven or grill while in use as warm air will exhaust from the grill cavity and the vents on the front frame of the appliance. Stand clear when opening the drop down doors. [. . . ] YOUNG The grill is a dual circuit grill which means that the full area of the grill can be used or for economy purposes, the centre section only can be used when cooking smaller quantities of food. USING THE MAIN OVEN FULL WIDTH DUAL GRILL 12. 00 • • • Pop out and turn the main oven multifunction selector to full grill. Pop out and turn the main oven multifunction selector to centre section only. Turn the main oven temperature control knob to the right as far as it will go. To use the grill at lower settings, turn the temperature control knob to 110°C or 150°C. THINGS TO NOTE • • • The oven light will illuminate. It may turn ON and OFF during use to show that the setting is being maintained. The cooling fan may operate after a time. 23 • • • • • • • • HINTS AND TIPS Most foods should be placed on the grid in the grill pan to allow maximum circulation of air to lift the food out of the fats and juices. Adjust the grid and grill pan runner position to allow for different thicknesses of food. Position the food close to the element for faster cooking and further away for more gentle cooking. Food should be thoroughly dried before grilling to minimise splashing. Brush lean meats and fish lightly with a little oil or melted butter to keep them moist during cooking. Accompaniments such as tomatoes and mushrooms may be placed around the outer edges or underneath the grid when grilling meats. Enamelware, dark heavy or non-stick utensils increase base browning. Shiny aluminium or polished steel trays reflect the heat away and give less base browning. Always place dishes centrally on the shelf to ensure even browning. Stand dishes on a suitably sized baking tray on the shelf to prevent spillage onto the base of the oven and make cleaning easier. THINGS TO NOTE • • The internal oven light will illuminate. It may turn ON and OFF during use to show that the setting is being maintained. • • The cooling fan for the controls may operate after a time. • Do not place dishes, tins or baking trays directly on the oven base as it becomes very hot and damage will occur. 26 ROTITHERM ROASTING Rotitherm Roasting offers an alternative method of cooking food items normally associated with conventional grilling. Rotitherm Roasting helps to minimise cooking smells in the kitchen and allows you to grill in the main oven with the oven door closed. With the exception of toast and rare steaks you can Rotitherm Roast all the foods you would normally cook under a conventional grill. The lower part of the oven can be used to cook accompaniments at the same time, e. g. tomatoes and mushrooms with a mixed grill or breakfast. Dishes prepared in advance such as shepherd's pie, lasagne and au gratins can be heated through and browned on the top using the Rotitherm Roasting function. COOKING TIMES Cooking is more gentle, therefore food generally takes a little longer to cook when Rotitherm Roasting compared with conventional grilling. One of the advantages is that larger loads can be cooked at the same time. 12. 00 USING ROTITHERM ROASTING Always Rotitherm Roast with the oven door closed and the grill pan handle removed. • • Pop out and turn the main oven multifunction selector to Rotitherm Roasting. [. . . ] 4 • Prise cover loose using screwdriver in position (1) then lever off with screwdriver in position (2) at either side. 5. Fig. 5 • Lift cover and remove screw from cable clamp. 6. Fig. 6 41 CONNECTING TO THE MAINS TERMINAL Warning: This appliance must be earthed. • • • • • • We recommend you use a new length of 6mm2 twin core and earthed cable to ensure your safety. 7 by proceeding as follows:Preform wires to the appropriate shape to suit fitting into the mains terminal block. [. . . ]


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