Bedienungsanleitung AEG-ELECTROLUX DB8050

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Mode d'emploi AEG-ELECTROLUX DB8050
Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung AEG-ELECTROLUX DB8050

Detaillierte Anleitungen zur Benutzung finden Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung.

[. . . ] Beachten Sie vor allem die Sicherheitshinweise auf den ersten Seiten dieser Gebrauchsanweisung!Bewahren Sie bitte die Gebrauchsanweisung zum späteren Nachschlagen auf. Geben Sie diese an eventuelle Nachbesitzer des Gerätes weiter. 1 Sicherheitshinweise Die Sicherheit dieses Geräts entspricht den anerkannten Regeln der Technik. Dennoch sehen wir uns als Hersteller veranlasst, Sie mit den nachfolgenden Sicherheitshinweisen vertraut zu machen. Allgemeine Sicherheit · Die Spannung und Frequenz des Stromnetzes und des Gerätes müssen übereinstimmen (siehe Typschild). [. . . ] If children come into contact with a hot steam iron it could lead to serious burns. · Keep children away from electrical appliances. plastic bags, should not be accessible to children. · Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. Before first use 0 Remove any adhesive stickers, plastic covers or cardboard sleeves from the soleplate. 0 Ensure that all adhesive is removed by rubbing the soleplate with a cloth dampened with methylated spirits. 0 Fill the water tank (see following chapter) and empty the water. This will rinse out any foreign particles remaining from the manufacturing process. Safety in operation · The steam iron must be used and rested on a stable surface. · When placing the iron on its stand, ensure that the surface on which the stand is placed is stable. When in use, the soleplate and cover of the steam iron reach high operating temperatures. · When steam ironing, steam is emitted from the holes in the soleplate ­ risk of burns. · A steam iron takes approximately 30 minutes to cool down. 1/H) and the orange temperature control light (Fig. 1/E6, located between the temperature +/- buttons) will illuminate to indicate that the steam iron is switched on and heating. 1/E1) to select the desired temperature setting, as displayed on the LCD (see Fig. The bars on the LCD will flash as the steam iron heats up to the selected temperature setting. As each incremental temperature is reached, the bars will display solidly. The actual temperature in degrees Celsius will also be displayed on the LCD, in increments of 5 degrees. Once the steam iron has reached the selected temperature, the green temperature control light (Fig. 1/E6) will illuminate to indicate that the steam iron is ready to use. 0 Select the desired steam output on the steam selector (Fig. 1/E4) or turn the steam selector to the Dry setting ( ) to iron without steam. 3 The steam iron's twin element construction allows you to iron with maximum steam, even on low temperature settings. Using the spray mist The spray mist can be used when steam or dry ironing to pre-dampen hard to iron fabrics. Ensure that the tank is at least ¼ full of water. [. . . ] µ µ . 3 µ 0 µ, µ µ µ . 1 µ µ µ µ µ , µ. 1/E6) µ µ µ +/- . µ , µ µµ . µ , µ . µ µ µ 0 µ, µ µ µ (·, . 0 µ µ µ µ . [. . . ]


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