Bedienungsanleitung AEG-ELECTROLUX DB8590

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Mode d'emploi AEG-ELECTROLUX DB8590
Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung AEG-ELECTROLUX DB8590

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[. . . ] 822 949 432_DB8590_AEG. book Seite 1 Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2008 7:05 19 DB 8590 d Digitaler Dampfbügler g Digital Steam Iron r µ Gebrauchsanweisung Operating instructions Åã÷åéñßäéï ïäçãéþí ÷ñÞóçò 822 949 432_DB8590_AEG. book Seite 2 Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2008 7:05 19 F E G D H J, K C B E4 E3 E2 E1 E5 A E6 1 a b 2 3 30 sec. a b 15 min. b c 4 5 6 2 822 949 432_DB8590_AEG. book Seite 3 Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2008 7:05 19 d geehrte dSehr geehrterKundin, sehr Kunde, lesen Sie bitte diese Gebrauchsanweisung sorgfältig durch. [. . . ] · When steam ironing, steam is emitted from the holes in the soleplate ­ risk of burns. · A steam iron takes approximately 30 minutes to cool down. Only store the appliance once it is cool and after emptying any remaining water. · Do not wind the cord around the soleplate while the steam iron is still hot. · Always unplug the steam iron from the power outlet before filling or emptying the water tank. 3 When turned on for the first time, your new steam iron may give off vapours for up to 10 minutes. This is due to the initial heating of the materials used. It is safe, not detrimental to the performance of the steam iron, and will not reoccur. Filling the steam iron with water 1 Safety in cleaning and care · Follow the cleaning instructions. · Prior to cleaning, unplug the appliance first and allow the steam iron to cool completely. · Do not immerse the appliance in water or any other liquid. Before filling the steam iron with water ensure that the plug is removed from the power outlet. The steam iron can be filled with water while it is hot. 0 Place the steam iron on its heel and open the filling aperture cover (Fig. 1/D). 0 Using the beaker provided, slowly pour water into the filling aperture until the maximum water level (Fig. Do not exceed the maximum water level indicator. 11 822 949 432_DB8590_AEG. book Seite 12 Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2008 7:05 19 g 0 Push the filling aperture cover firmly to close. When changing from a high temperature to a lower temperature, the red temperature control light (Fig. 1/E6) will illuminate and the LCD will flash indicating that the steam iron is cooling down. 0 To reduce the cooling period, turn the steam selector (Fig. 1/E4) to any position on the steam band and press the steam jet button (Fig. Once the steam iron has reached the selected temperature, the green temperature control light (Fig. 1/E6) will illuminate and the bars on the LCD will display solidly, indicating that the steam iron is ready to use. 3 It is safe to use tap water in your steam iron. The anti-calc cartridge removes minerals from the water, preventing scale build-up. However, in extremely hard water areas we recommend the use of distilled or demineralised water. [. . . ] 0 µ . µ µ 0 µµ µ µ µ , µ µ µ µ µ µ µ. µ 0 µ µ. 20 822 949 432_DB8590_AEG. book Seite 21 Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2008 7:05 19 r µ 0 µ µ µ . 0 µµ , µ . · µ µ µ, 2 µ µ. [. . . ]


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