Bedienungsanleitung AEG-ELECTROLUX EGG7353NOR

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Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung AEG-ELECTROLUX EGG7353NOR

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[. . . ] Always insist on genuine Electrolux spare parts. Ensure that all control knobs are in the OFF position when not in use. Should you connect any electrical tool to a plug near this cooking appliance, ensure that electric cables are not in contact with it and keep them far enough from the heated parts of this appliance. If the appliance is out of order, disconnect it from the electric supply. About Installation, Cleaning and Manteinance · It is mandatory that all operations required for the installation are carried out by a qualified or competent person, in accordance with existing rules and regulations. [. . . ] To put the flame out, turn the knob to the symbol q. · Always turn the flame down or put it out before taking the pans off the burner. 1 FO 0204 USING THE HOB CORRECTLY To ensure maximum burner efficiency, it is strongly recommended that you use only pots and pans with a bottom fitting the size of the burner used, so that flame will not spread beyond the bottom of the vessel (see the table beside). It is also advisable, as soon as a liquid starts boiling, to turn down the flame so that it will barely keep the liquid simmering. · Use only pans or pots with flat bottom. Burner minimum diameter 160 mm. 160 mm. Big (rapid) Medium (semirapid) Small (Auxiliary) 4 2. Cleaning and Maintenance · Disconnect the appliance from the electrical supply, before carrying out any cleaning or manteinance work. Wash the enamelled components with warm soapy water. Never use abrasive cleaners Frequently wash the "caps" and the "crowns" with hot soapy water, carefully taking away any built-up of food. If the marks are particularly difficult to remove, use common non-abrasive cleaners or specific products. Regularly wipe over the hob top using a soft cloth weel wrung out in warm water to which a little liquid detergent has been added. Avoid the use of the following: - household detergent and bleaches; - impregnated pads unsuitable for non-stick saucepans; - steel wool pads; - bath/sink stain removers. Interpose the sealing between the components as shown in fig. Screw the parts without forcing, adjust the connection in the required direction and tighten everything. IMPORTANT - When the final connection has been made, it is essential that a thorough leak test is carried out on the hob and installation. Use some soapy water, never a flame. A) Ramp with ending nut B) Seal C) Adjustable connection FO 0264 Fig. Electrical Connection The appliance is designed to be connected to 230 V monophase electricity supply. The connection must be carried out in compliance with the laws and regulations in force. Before the appliance is connected: 1) check that the main fuse and the domestic installation can support the load (see the rating label); 2) check that the power supply is properly earthed in compliance with the current rules; 3) check the socket or the double pole switch used for the electrical connection can be easily reached with the appliance built in the forniture unit. The appliance is supplied with a connection cable. This has to be provided with a proper plug, able to support the load marked on the identification plate. To connect the plug to the cable, follow the recommendation given in Fig. The plug has to be fitted in a proper socket. [. . . ] 28 32 40 Tap colour Auxiliary Semi-rapid Rapid Blue/White Red/Yellow Blue/Yellow Table 2 : injectors Burner NOMINAL POWER kW REDUCED POWER kW NATURAL GAS "E" 20 mbar Inject. 1/100 Auxiliary Semi-rapid 1 1, 9 Natural gas: 2, 9 LPG: 2, 7 0, 33 0, 45 70 96 m3/h 0, 095 0, 181 NOMINAL POWER NATURAL GAS "LL" 20 mbar Inject. 1/100 74 106 m3/h 0, 111 0, 210 LPG 50 mbar Inject. 1/100 43 60 g/h 73 138 Rapid 0, 65 119 0, 276 133 0, 321 75 196 8 7. [. . . ]


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