Bedienungsanleitung AEG-ELECTROLUX EOB21000X

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Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung AEG-ELECTROLUX EOB21000X

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[. . . ] user manual Oven EOB 21000 2 electrolux Electrolux. Thinking of you. Share more of our thinking at www. electrolux. com Contents Safety information Product description Before first use Daily use Hints, tips and cooking tables 2 4 5 5 6 Care and cleaning What to do if… Installation Environment concerns 9 11 12 13 Subject to change without notice Safety information Before the installation and use, read this manual carefully: • For your personal safety and the safety of your property • For the respect of the environment • For the correct operation of the appliance. Always keep these instructions with the appliance also if you move or sell it. The manufacturer is not responsible if incorrect installation or use results in damage. [. . . ] Service centre • Only an approved engineer can repair or work on the appliance. Disposal of the appliance • To prevent the risk of physical injury or damage – Disconnect the appliance from the power supply. – Cut off the mains cable and discard it. This prevents children or small animals from being closed inside of the appliance. There is the risk of suffocation. Product description General overview 2 1 7 8 9 3 4 5 6 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Control panel Temperature control knob Temperature indicator Minute minder Power indicator Oven function control knob Ventilation outlet Grill Oven lamp Rating plate Oven accessories • Oven shelf For cookware, cake tins, roasts. • Flat baking tray For cakes and biscuits. electrolux 5 Before first use Warning!Refer to "Safety information" chapter. Initial Cleaning • Remove all parts from the appliance. • Clean the appliance before first use. Refer to chapter "Care and Cleaning". Preheating Set and maximum temperature and run an empty oven for 45 minutes, to burn off any residue from the cavity surface. Accessories can become hotter than in normal use. During this period an odour can be emitted. Make sure the room is well ventilated. Daily use Warning!Refer to "Safety information" chapter. Turn the oven functions control knob to an oven function. Turn the temperature control knob to a temperature. Oven functions Oven function OFF position Conventional cooking Top heating element Bottom heating element Grill Dual grill Application The appliance is off. Heats both from the top and bottom element. To bake cakes with crispy or crusty bases. To grill flat food items in small quantities in the middle of the shelf. To grill flat food items in large quantities. To make toasts. The power indicator comes on while the oven is in operation. [. . . ] Make sure that you put the internal panel of glass to the correct seats (refer to the picture). Replacing the oven light bulb/cleaning the glass cover Warning!Turn the glass cover anti-clockwise to remove it. Replace the oven light bulb with applicable 300°C heat-resistant oven light bulb. New oven light bulb must have the same parameters as your previous one. [. . . ]


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