Bedienungsanleitung AEG-ELECTROLUX EOB2430AOX

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   AEG-ELECTROLUX EOB2430AOX (2120 ko)

Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung AEG-ELECTROLUX EOB2430AOX

Detaillierte Anleitungen zur Benutzung finden Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung.

[. . . ] You’ve chosen a product that brings with it decades of professional experience and innovation. Ingenious and stylish, it has been designed with you in mind. So whenever you use it, you can be safe in the knowledge that you’ll get great results every time. Visit our website for: Get usage advice, brochures, trouble shooter, service information: www. electrolux. com Register your product for better service: www. electrolux. com/productregistration Buy Accessories, Consumables and Original spare parts for your appliance: www. electrolux. com/shop CUSTOMER CARE AND SERVICE We recommend the use of original spare parts. [. . . ] • Replace immediately the door glass panels when they are damaged. • Be careful when you remove the door from the appliance. • Clean regularly the appliance to prevent the deterioration of the surface material. • Remaining fat or food in the appliance can cause fire. • Clean the appliance with a moist soft cloth. Do not use abrasive products, abrasive cleaning pads, solvents or metal objects. • If you use an oven spray, obey the safety instructions on the packaging. • Do not clean the catalytic enamel (if applicable) with any kind of detergent. 2. 4 Internal light • The type of light bulb or halogen lamp used for this appliance, is only for household appliances. • Before replacing the lamp, disconnect the appliance from the power supply. • Only use lamps with the same specifications. 6 www. electrolux. com 2. 5 Disposal WARNING!• Disconnect the appliance from the mains supply. • Cut off the mains cable and discard it. To activate the oven lamp without a cooking function. The top and bottom heating elements operate at the same time. To bake cakes with crispy or crusty bottom. Only the bottom heating element operates. To grill flat food items in small quantities in the middle of the shelf. To make toast. 8 www. electrolux. com Oven function Fast Grilling Turbo Grilling True Fan Cooking Pizza Setting Application To grill flat food items in large quantities. The grill element and the oven fan operate one after the other and circulate hot air around the food. To roast or roast and bake food with the same cooking temperature, on more than one shelf, without flavour transference. The grill and bottom element provide direct heat and the fan circulates the hot air to cook the pizza toppings or pie filling. 6. CLOCK FUNCTIONS 6. 1 Electronic programmer 1 2 3 1 Function indicators 2 Time display 3 Function indicator 4 Button + hr min 5 Selection button 6 Button - 6 5 4 Clock function Time of day Minute Minder Duration End Application To set, change or check the time of day. This function has no effect on the operation of the oven. [. . . ] Refer to "Safety information" chapter. Problem The oven does not heat up. The oven does not heat up. Possible cause The appliance is deactivated. The clock is not set. Remedy Activate the appliance. Set the clock. ENGLISH 21 Problem The oven does not heat up. [. . . ]


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