Bedienungsanleitung AEG-ELECTROLUX EOB30000X

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Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung AEG-ELECTROLUX EOB30000X

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[. . . ] user manual Oven EOB30000 2 electrolux Electrolux. Thinking of you. Share more of our thinking at www. electrolux. com CONTENTS Safety information Product description Daily use Helpful hints and tips 2 4 5 7 Care and cleaning What to do if… Environment concerns 15 17 18 Subject to change without notice SAFETY INFORMATION Before the installation and use, read this manual carefully: • For your personal safety and the safety of your property • For the respect of the environment • For the correct operation of the appliance. Always keep these instructions with the appliance also if you move or sell it. The manufacturer is not responsible if incorrect installation or use results in damage. [. . . ] Cooling fan When the appliance operates, the cooling fan switches on automatically. If you switch off the appliance, the cooling fan continues to operate until the appliance cools down. Conventional Bottom heat Dual grill Convection grilling Inserting the oven accessories Put in the slide-in accessories so that the double side edges are at the back of the oven and point down to the bottom. Push the slide-in accessories between the guidebars of one of the oven levels. The deep roasting pan and the oven shelf have double side edges. These edges and the shape of the guide-bars causes the anti-tilt safety for the oven accessories. 6 electrolux 2 1 3 4. Hold the door trim (B) at each side and position it on the inner edge of the door. Put the door trim into the top edge of the door. Inserting the oven shelf and deep roasting pan together B Important!There is a guide bar (C) on the open side of the door trim (B). Push the guide bar between the outer door panel and the guide corner (D). Put the oven shelf on the deep roasting pan. Push the deep roasting pan between the guide-bars of one of the oven levels. Mechanical door lock The door lock is deactivated by default. Pull the door trim up and remove it. C D E 2 B 1 Opening and closing the door To open the door, press and hold the lever. 3. Remove the lever (1), move it 4 mm to the left (2) and put it back in (3). electrolux 7 3. Remove the stop (2) from the bottom side of the door trim (B). Put the stop where the lever was (3). 3 Close the door without pressing the lever. Deactivating the door lock Do the above procedure again and move the lever back to the right. You can also fully remove the door lock: 1. Refer to "Activating the door lock". Refer to "Activating the door lock". Deactivating the appliance does not deactivate the mechanical door lock. 1 HELPFUL HINTS AND TIPS The temperature and baking times in the tables are guidelines only. They depend on the recipes, quality and quantity of the ingredients used. [. . . ] Install the heating element in opposite sequence. Install the heating element correctly on the two sides above the support on the inner wall of the oven. Oven door and glass panels To clean the oven door remove it. Be careful when you remove the door from the appliance. [. . . ]


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