Bedienungsanleitung AEG-ELECTROLUX ERB23000W

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Mode d'emploi AEG-ELECTROLUX ERB23000W
Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung AEG-ELECTROLUX ERB23000W

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[. . . ] (05. ) Before installing and using the appliance read this user's instruction book carefully. It contains safety precautions, hints, information and ideas. If the refrigerator is used in compliance with the instructions written, it will operate properly and provide you with greatest satisfaction. The symbols below help you to find things more easily: ! 1. Applying the guarantee is subject to the consumer providing proof of purchase showing the purchase and/or delivery date. [. . . ] When the thermostat knob is set to a medium position (between minimum and maximum), in the freezer a temperature colder than -18 00, in the refrigerator around +5 ºC can be reached. Setting it to a medium position is adequate for everyday use. The temperature coming about in the refrigerator is effected by not only the position of the thermostat but the ambient temperature, frequency of door openings and the quantity of food put into it newly, etc. Storing in the refrigerator When placing the different kinds of food take into consideration the sketch below in figure: 1. Butter, cheese 2. Eggs 3. Tubes, cans, sour cream, small bottles 4. Drinks in big bottles, soda-water and mousse siphon 5. Milk, dairy products, ready-cooked foods, confectionery, foods in dishes covered, opened, cans, bottles laid, fresh meat, sausages, etc. This appliance complies with the following E. E. C. Directives: - 73/23 EEC of 19. 02. 73 (Low Voltage Directive) and subsequent modifications, - 89/336 EEC of 03. 05. 89 (Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive) and subsequent modifications. 8 7 1 2 3 4 i In the maximum position - in case of increased demand e. g. during heat waves - the compressor may operate continually. This does not cause damages to the appliance. 6 5 How to use the refrigerator For adequate cooling developing interior air i circulation is necessary. For this reason you are asked not to cover the air circulation gaps behind the shelves (e. g. Do not put hot food into the refrigerator. i Allow it to reach room temperature naturally. In this way the unnecessary frost building up can be avoided. i Foods can take over odors from each other. So wait 2-3 minutes after closing the door if you want to open it again while inner pressure equalizes. Take care of operating the freezer at a position of thermostatic control so that the inside temperature can never be warmer than -18 ºC It is practical to make sure of faultless operation of the appliance daily so as to notice possible failure in time and prevent deterioration of frozen foods. Normal operating sounds: o A thermostat controls the compressor and you will hear a faint click when thermostat cuts in and out. o You may hear faint gurgling or bubbling sound when the refrigerant is pumped thorough the coils at the rear, to the cooling plate/evaporator. o When the compressor is on, the refrigerant is being pumped round and you will hear a whirring sound or pulsating noise from the compressor. o The fridge evaporator (this part cool down the fridge section) is foamed into the cabinet. The temperature of this part changing during its work, and parallel with this its dimensions are slightly changing, too. These changes might cause a cracking noise, which is natural, harmless phenomenon. Should you want to check the temperature of food stored in the refrigerator, set the thermostat knob into a medium position, place a glass of water centrally in the cabinet, and put a proper thermometer with an accuracy of +/- 1 ºC into it. measure a value between +3 ºC and +8 ºC the refrigerator works properly. The measuring shall be performed under steadystated conditions (without changing the load). If the freezer temperature is measured using a thermometer, put it between the products since this will reflect the real temperature in the frozen products. Hints and ideas In this chapter practical hints and ideas are given about how to use the appliance to reach maximum energy saving and there is environmental information about the appliance as well. [. . . ] If products are not cold enough or placed wrong. The door does not close tightly or it is not shut properly. Thermostatic control can be set wrongly. The door does not close tightly or it is not shut properly. [. . . ]


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