Bedienungsanleitung AEG-ELECTROLUX HK764400PB

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Mode d'emploi AEG-ELECTROLUX HK764400PB

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   AEG-ELECTROLUX HK764400PB (5818 ko)

Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung AEG-ELECTROLUX HK764400PB

Detaillierte Anleitungen zur Benutzung finden Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung.

[. . . ] General information and tips Environmental information Subject to change without notice 4 Safety information SAFETY INFORMATION For your safety and correct operation of the appliance, read this manual carefully before the installation and use. Always keep these instructions with the appliance also if you move or sell it. The users must fully know the operation and safety functions of the appliance. Children and vulnerable people safety WARNING!Do not let persons, children included, with reduced physical sensory, reduced mental functions or lack of experience and knowledge to use the appliance. [. . . ] • You do not deactivate a cooking zone or change the heat setting. After some time, comes on and the appliance deactivates. See the table. The times of Automatic Switch Off Heat setting The cooking zone deactivates after 6 hours 5 hours 4 hours 1. 5 hours 10 Operating instructions The heat setting Touch the control bar at the heat setting. Do not release before you have a correct heat setting. Automatic Heat Up 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 You can get a necessary heat setting in a shorter time if you activate the Automatic Heat Up function. This function sets the highest heat setting for some time (see the illustration), and then decreases to the necessary heat setting. To start the Automatic Heat Up function for a cooking zone: 1. Immediately touch the necessary heat setting. After 3 seconds comes on in the display. To stop the function change the heat setting. Power function The Power function makes more power available to the induction cooking zones. The Power function is activated for 10 minutes at most. After, that the induction cooking zone automatically sets back to highest heat setting. The indicator of the cooking zone starts to flash quickly. The display shows the time that the cooking zone operates. 12 Operating instructions • To deactivate the CountUp Timer: set the cooking zone with and touch deactivate the timer. The indicator of the cooking zone goes out. Minute Minder or to You can use the timer as a Minute Minder while the cooking zones do not operate. When the time comes to an end, the sound operates and 00 flashes. • To stop the sound: touch STOP+GO The function sets all cooking zones that operate to the lowest heat setting ( ). When operates, you cannot change the heat setting. The function does not stop the timer function. • To activate this function touch . • To deactivate this function touch . The heat setting that you set before comes on. Lock When the cooking zones operate, you can lock the control panel, but not . It prevents an accidental change of the heat setting. [. . . ] comes on again, speak to the service centre. If There is an error in the appliance, because a cookware boils dry. The protection against become too hot for the cooking zone operates. After, approximately 30 seconds activate the cooking zone again. [. . . ]


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