Bedienungsanleitung AEG-ELECTROLUX L74950B

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Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung AEG-ELECTROLUX L74950B

Detaillierte Anleitungen zur Benutzung finden Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung.

[. . . ] To ensure optimal and regular performance of your appliance please read this instruction manual carefully. It will enable you to navigate all processes perfectly and most efficiently. To refer to this manual any time you need to, we recommend you to keep it in a safe place. And please pass it to any future owner of the appliance. [. . . ] Washing programme for a single synthetic blanket, bedspread etc. The washing temperature is 30°C and 40°C. The spin is performed at 800 rpm. MIX 40-60 JEANS EASY IRON VISCOSE WOOL HANDWASH LINGERIE SILK BLANKET 132962560_EN. qxd 28/08/2008 14. 58 Pagina 26 26 Programme information Programme information SPORT JACKETS Special program for sport clothes. By selecting this program, do not add any additives. This programme is suitable for washing heavily soiled sport items. The machine will add automatically a prewash phase before the main wash to eliminate mud stains. We recommend you NOT to put the detergent into the compartent of the detergent drawer. Special program at 30°C, duration - approx. 20 minutes, ideal for laundry to be refreshed: e. g. a sport jacket worn only once or slightly soiled or new garments. Quick washing programme, to be used for lightly soiled white/fast coloured cottons and mixed fabrics. Rub particularly soiled areas with a special detergent or detergent paste. Remove hooks or tie them up in a bag or net. Maximum loads Recommended loads are indicated in the washing programme charts. General rules: Cotton, linen: drum full but not too tightly packed; 132962560_EN. qxd 28/08/2008 14. 58 Pagina 28 28 Preparing the wash cycle Synthetics: drum no more than half full; Delicate fabrics and woollens: drum no more than one third full. Washing a maximum load makes the most efficient use of water and energy. For heavily soiled laundry, reduce the load size. Washing a maximum load makes the most efficient use of water and energy. For heavily soiled laundry, reduce the load size. Laundry weights The following weights are indicative: bathrobe napkin quilt cover sheet pillow case tablecloth towelling towel tea cloth night dress ladies’ briefs man’s work shirt man’s shirt man’s pyjamas blouse men’s underpants 1200 g 100 g 700 g 500 g 200 g 250 g 200 g 100 g 200 g 100 g 600 g 200 g 500 g 100 g 100 g Removing stains Stubborn stains may not be removed by just water and detergent. It is therefore advisable to treat them prior to washing. Blood: treat fresh stains with cold water. For dried stains, soak overnight in water with a special detergent then rub in the soap and water. Oil based paint: moisten with benzine stain remover, lay the garment on a soft cloth and dab the stain; treat several times. [. . . ] Always use the hose supplied with the appliance. If it is too short and you do not wish to move the tap, you will have to purchase a new, longer hose specially designed for this type of use. Water-stop device The inlet hose is provided with a water stop device, which protects against damage caused by water leaks in the hose which could develop due to natural ageing of the hose. This fault is shown by a red sector in the window “A”. Should this occur, turn the water tap off and refer to your Service Centre to replace the hose. 352 A Water drainage The end of the drain hose can be positioned in three ways: Hooked over the edge of a sink using the plastic hose guide supplied with the machine. [. . . ]


DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter…
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