Bedienungsanleitung AEG-ELECTROLUX L75481FL

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Mode d'emploi AEG-ELECTROLUX L75481FL

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Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung AEG-ELECTROLUX L75481FL

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[. . . ] Return the product to your local recycling facility or contact your municipal office. VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR: - Products - Brochures - User manuals - Trouble shooter - Service information www. aeg. com LEGEND Warning - Important Safety information. General information and tips Environmental information Subject to change without notice. ENGLISH 3 FOR PERFECT RESULTS Thank you for choosing this AEG product. We have created it to give you impeccable performance for many years, with innovative technologies that help make life simpler – features you might not find on ordinary appliances. Please spend a few minutes reading to get the very best from it. ACCESSORIES AND CONSUMABLES In the AEG webshop, you’ll find everything you need to keep all your AEG appliances looking spotless and working perfectly. [. . . ] – Do not put more liquid detergent than the limit showed in the flap. – Do not set the delay start function. 5. 6. Measure out the detergent and the fabric conditioner. Carefully close the detergent dispenser. Make sure that the flap does not cause a blockage when you close the drawer. SETTING AND STARTING A PROGRAMME 1. The related programme indicator comes on. CANCEL A PROGRAMME 1. The indicator of button 4 flashes with red colour. The display shows the default temperature and spin speed. To change the temperature and/or the spin speed, press the related buttons. The indicator of the set function comes on or the display shows the related symbol. 5. Press button 1 to cancel the programme and to deactivate the appliance. Press button 1 again to activate the appliance. Now, you can set a new washing programme. • Remove the laundry from the appliance. • Keep the door ajar, to prevent mildew and odours. The washing programme is completed, but there is water in the drum: – The drum turns regularly to prevent the creases in the laundry. – You must drain the water to open the door. If necessary, decrease the spin speed. 2. Press the Start/Pause button 4 . When the programme is completed and the door lock symbol goes off, you can open the door 4. The appliance drain and spin automatically after approximately 18 hours. ENGLISH 19 HINTS AND TIPS THE LAUNDRY LOAD • Divide the laundry in: white, coloured, synthetics, delicates and wool. • Obey the washing instructions that are on the laundry care labels. • Do not wash together white and coloured items. • Some coloured items can discolour with the first wash. We recommend that you wash them separately for the first times. [. . . ] Follow the instructions supplied with the kit. UNPACKING 1. Use the gloves. Remove the polystyrene packaging materials. 4. Remove the internal film. 30 www. aeg. com 5. Open the door. Remove the polystyrene piece from the door seal and all the items from the drum. 6. Put one of the polystyrene packaging elements on the floor behind the appliance. Carefully put down the appliance with the rear side on it. [. . . ]


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