Bedienungsanleitung AEG-ELECTROLUX LAV46800

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Mode d'emploi AEG-ELECTROLUX LAV46800

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Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung AEG-ELECTROLUX LAV46800

Detaillierte Anleitungen zur Benutzung finden Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung.

[. . . ] To ensure optimal and regular performance of your appliance please read this instruction manual carefully. It will enable you to navigate all processes perfectly and most efficiently. To refer to this manual any time you need to, we recommend you to keep it in a safe place. And please pass it to any future owner of the appliance. [. . . ] The corresponding indicator goes out. Prewash Prewash at around 30°C before the main wash cycle which then proceeds automatically. * depending on model 12 How to run a wash cycle Stain For very dirty or stained washing. A stain removing product can be poured into the prewash compartment in the product dispenser. Time saving This function allows you to reduce the length of the cycle depending on the type of programme selected. Rinse plus This option means one or more rinses can be added to the programmes Cottons, Synthetics and Delicates. You are able to activate it permanently by proceeding in the following way : Press the RPM and PREWASH buttons for a few seconds. The option is permanently activated, even if the appliance is switched off. To deactivate permanently, repeat the same operation. If the option selected is not possible, “Err” is displayed in the display window and the indicator for the START/PAUSE button flashes in yellow. Start of the programme 1. Check whether the water inlet tap is open. The corresponding indicator lights up in red. The DOOR LOCKED indicator lights up (door locked). It is normal for the programme selector to remain stationary during the cycle. Programme sequence The WASH indicator lights up when the appliance is in progress. Adding washing during the first 10 minutes 1. Press the START/PAUSE pushbutton. The corresponding indicator flashes in red. 2. The lid can only be opened around 2 minutes after the washing machine has come to a stop. In general, the drum must therefore be filled : • to full capacity but avoiding excessive pressure on cotton, linen and cotton/ linen mixtures, • to half capacity for processed cottons and synthetic fibres, • to a third of its capacity for very fragile items such as net curtains and woollens. For mixed loads, fill drum depending on most fragile materials. Washing guide 15 Detergents and additives Only use detergents and additives designed for use in a washing machine. Refer to manufacturer’s recommendations and also Dispenser box and Using the right amount of detergent sections. We do not recommend mixing different types of detergents. The amount of detergent to be used depends on the size of the load, the hardness of the water and how heavily soiled the washing is. If the water is soft, reduce the amount slightly. If the water contains lime scale (a descaler is recommended) or if the washing is heavily soiled or stained, increase the amount slightly. You can obtain information on the hardness level of water in your area by contacting your water company or other competent source. Rinses : Hand washed items can be rinsed in this program. Drain : Runs an empty cycle after a Rinse hold or (Night Silence Plus). Spin : A spin cycle from 500 to 800 rpm after a Rinse hold (or Night silence plus). [. . . ] The appliance can also be damaged through physical contact. Unpacking 1. Make it do a quarter turn on one of the corners to remove the transport base. 3. Open the lid of the appliance and remove the red block. 4. Remove the plastic film. Installation 29 5. [. . . ]


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