Bedienungsanleitung AEG-ELECTROLUX S75408KG8

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Mode d'emploi AEG-ELECTROLUX S75408KG8

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Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung AEG-ELECTROLUX S75408KG8

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[. . . ] Pass them on to possible new owners of the appliance. These operating instructions are for use with several technically comparable models with varying accessories. Please observe the notes which apply to your model. Notes which are important for your safety or for the proper functioning of the appliance are stressed with a warning triangle and/or with signal words (Warning!, Caution!, Important!). [. . . ] The height of the storage shelves can be adjusted: 1. To do this pull the storage shelf forward until it can be swivelled upwards or downwards and removed. Please do the same in reverse to insert the shelf at a different height. 14 Air Filter Your appliance is equipped with a carbon filter behind a flap in the rear wall of the air distributing box. The filter purifies the air from unwanted odours in the fridge compartment meaning that the storage quality will be further improved. Note: Always keep the air ventilation flap closed. Drawer The drawer is suitable for storing fruit and vegetables. There is a separator inside the drawer that can be placed in different position to allow for the subdivision best suited to personal needs. 15 Storing in the refrigerator When placing the into the refrigerator tak into consideration the diagram below. 1 Confectionery, ready-cooked foods, foods in dishes, fresh meat, cold cuts, drinks 2 Milk, dairy products, foods in dishes 3 Fruits, vegetables, salads 4 Cheese, butter 5 Eggs 6 Yoghurt, sour cream 7 Small bottles, soft drinks 8 Big bottles, drinks 9 Fish, meat, seafood Chiller Zone The product equipped with this feature in the fridge part. This compartment is indicated for the best conservation of fresh food like fish, meat, seafood because the temperature is lower here than in the rest of the fridge. It is placed in the lower part, directly above of the vegetable drawer. 16 Operating and indicator panel Freezer G. FROSTMATIC function "on" indicator (yellow) H. Temperature setting button (for warmer temperatures) J. If the FROSTMATIC function is not ended manually, the appliance will switch off the FROSTMATIC function after about 52 hours. The FROSTMATIC function can be ended manually at any time by pressing the FROSTMATIC button again. The yellow light goes out. Alarm reset button In the event of an abnormal temperature rise inside the freezer (e. g. power cut) warning light (M) will start to flash and a buzzer will sound. Push the alarm reset button (L) to stop the buzzer sound, while the warning light will continue to flash. The buzzer will stop automatically when the temperature has returned to normal while the warning light (M) will continue to flash. If we press the alarm reset button (L) we stop the warning light and at the same time the indicator show for about 5 seconds the warmest temperature reached in the compartment. 18 Switching the Appliance off To switch off, hold down the (A) button. If the appliance is not going to be used for an extended period: 1. Remove the mains plug or switch off or turn out the circuit breaker or fuse. Defrost the freezer compartment and clean the appliance thoroughly (see section: "Cleaning and Maintenance"). Finally, leave the doors open so as to avoid a build up of odours. Freezing and storing frozen food You can use your freezer for freezing fresh food yourself. [. . . ] The plug must be put into a socket with protective contact. If there is no such, it is recommended to get an electrician to fit an earthed socket in compliance with standards near the refrigerator. This appliance complies with the following E. E. C. Directives: 73/23 EEC of 19. 02. 73 (Low Voltage Directive) and subsequent modifications, 89/336 EEC of 03. 05. 89 (Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive) and subsequent modifications. [. . . ]


DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter…
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