Bedienungsanleitung AEG-ELECTROLUX T76280AC

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Mode d'emploi AEG-ELECTROLUX T76280AC
Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung AEG-ELECTROLUX T76280AC

Detaillierte Anleitungen zur Benutzung finden Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung.

[. . . ] Please spend a few minutes reading to get the very best from it. Visit our website for: Get usage advice, brochures, trouble shooter, service information: www. aeg. com Register your product for better service: www. aeg. com/productregistration Buy Accessories, Consumables and Original spare parts for your appliance: www. aeg. com/shop CUSTOMER CARE AND SERVICE We recommend the use of original spare parts. When contacting Service, ensure that you have the following data available. The information can be found on the rating plate. [. . . ] Push the deep pan between the guide-bars of one of the oven levels. 7. 2 Trivet and Grill- / Roasting pan WARNING!Be careful when you remove the accessories from a hot appliance. There is a risk of burns. 12 www. aeg. com You can use the trivet to roast larger pieces of meat or poultry on one shelf position: • Put the trivet into the deep pan so that the supports of the wire shelf point up. • Put the deep pan into the oven on the necessary shelf position. You can use the trivet to grill flat dishes in large quantities and to toast: • Put the trivet into the deep pan so that the supports of the wire shelf point down. • Put the deep pan into the oven on the necessary shelf position. 8. ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS 8. 1 Child Lock The Child Lock prevents an accidental operation of the appliance. Activating and deactivating the Child Lock function: 1. Do not set an oven function. 2. activate the Function Lock function only when the appliance operates. Activating and deactivating the Function Lock function: 1. Activate an oven function or setting. 3. Press and hold and at the same time for 2 seconds. SAFE comes on / goes out in the display (when you activate or deactivate the Child Lock). If this occurs, do not change the temperature setting. The differences equalize during the baking procedure. 9. 2 Baking General instructions • Your new oven can bake or roast differently to the appliance you had before. Adapt your usual settings (temperature, cooking times) and shelf positions to the values in the tables. • With longer baking times, you can deactivate the oven approximately 10 mi- 14 www. aeg. com 9. 3 Tips on baking Baking results The bottom of the cake is not browned sufficiently. The cake sinks and becomes soggy, lumpy or streaky. The cake sinks and becomes soggy, lumpy or streaky. The cake sinks and becomes soggy, lumpy or streaky. Possible cause The shelf position is incorrect. The next time you bake, set a slightly lower oven temperature. You cannot decrease baking times by setting higher temperatures. Be careful with mixing times, especially if you use a mixing machine. [. . . ] • Appliance hasn't been serviced, maintained, repaired, taken apart or tampered with by person not authorised by us. • Electrolux Service Force Centre must undertake all service work under this guarantee • Any appliance or defective part replaced shall become the Company's property. • This guarantee is in addition to your statutory and other legal rights. 34 www. aeg. com Exclusions • Damage, calls resulting from transport, improper use, neglect, light bulbs, removable parts of glass, plastic. • Costs for calls to put right appliance which is improperly installed, calls to appliances outside United Kingdom. [. . . ]


DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter…
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