Bedienungsanleitung ASCOM TELECARE M BROCHURE 1

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Mode d'emploi ASCOM TELECARE M
Handbuch Zusammenfassung: Gebrauchsanweisung ASCOM TELECARE MBROCHURE 1

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[. . . ] Ascom Wireless Solutions Remote Service teleCARE M Improved patient care. Ascom 9d Cordless Telephony Personal Security Messaging Technical Alarms Building Automation teleCOURIER 900 Messaging Intranet / Internet teleCARE M Nurse Call PBX / PSTN telePROTECT 900 Personal Security Messaging Fire Alarms Common System Platform Specifications are subject to change without notice. Ascom Tateco AB Wireless Solutions P. O. Box 8783, SE-402 76 GÖTEBORG T +46 31 55 93 00, F +46 31 55 20 31 www. ascom. com/ws M0262301 Rev B June 2003 Ascom Tateco AB ascom ascom The demands that are being imposed on present-day health care are extremely varied. [. . . ] The safe-release plug that links the handsets and switches releases immediately if it is subjected to a heavy load, thereby minimising damage to walls and equipment and keeping operating costs down as a result. teleCARE M is based on an LON-bus system with free topology and a communication protocol that glues all the system components together. Among other things, this offers unique benefits, such as enhanced nursecall functionality; in other words, nurse call with seamless integration with paging, cordless telephony and so on. teleCARE M can also be interfaced with local area networks (LAN) to retrieve basic patient data for presentation on the Nurse Station Console. Both the LON and the LAN are controlled and monitored by teleCARE M to ensure a high level of security. The potential for upgrading and extensions makes it possible to adapt the functionality to match the needs and wishes of each individual healthcare unit. The system has a layer structure, which ensures impressive operational reliability and makes it easy to start with a basic structure at ward level. It can then be successively supplemented with new functionality, such as speech and audio distribution, within the framework of an existing system. As teleCARE M can be extended, this provides flexibility that spans the entire register from a simple, basic system to systems that are large and sophisticated, for hospitals or care homes. It is also possible to upgrade certain existing nursecall systems with teleCARE M. multi-speech channels, voice announcements and cordless telephony. One very important feature is the fact that the system does not permit eavesdropping, thereby safeguarding patient privacy. The system also features high-quality speech and we are the first company on the market with intelligent switching. The speech is controlled by the nurse, which means that loud background noise never gets the upper hand. [. . . ] For patients and nurses alike. A broad spectrum of services The straightforward structure creates enormous potential at both hospital and ward level. teleCARE M can be installed with everything from traditional signalling and messaging to a speech function with teleCARE M 3|4 [. . . ]


DieBedienungsAnleitung bietet einen gemeinschaftlich betriebenen Tausch-, Speicher- und Suchdienst für Handbücher für den Gebrauch von Hardware und Software: Benutzerhandbücher, Bedienungsanleitungen, Schnellstartanweisungen, Technische Datenblätter…
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